Archive for the ‘My Favorite Recipes’ Category

This stuffed mushroom caps recipe is a raw recipe and the stuffed mushroom caps are dehydrated to soften them. However, these can also be cooked in the oven, if you don’t have a dehydrator. The savory mushroom pate is a delicious pate on it’s own, but I love it in these stuffed mushroom caps. Dehydrating will leave you with vital enzymes, which is always great. But these tasty stuffed mushroom caps will taste truly delicious prepared either way! || Read more

This bacon salt recipe is a healthy version of this new popular seasoning salt. When I heard of bacon salt I thought not a bad idea. It’s a great flavorful way to get a smoky salty taste without needing to eat meat, or extra fat. However, the bacon salt commercially made I found out is loaded with artificial flavors, colors and chemicals most of us really do not want to eat. This motivated me to create a more healthy version, || Read more

This tasty flax crackers recipe is sweet, salty and spicy and flavored with garam masala. Garam masala is an aromatic blend of spices common in North Indian and South Asian cuisines. These super healthy crackers are primarily made of nutritious EFA rich flax seeds, which are mixed with vegetables and seasonings to make them delicious, and then dehydrated to preserve the abundant enzymes and nutrition. || Read more

This puffed quinoa energy bars recipe is made with all raw ingredients, except for the puffed quinoa. These bars are very nutritious and they will keep your energy high for long periods. Most importantly, they taste amazing! They are so delicious and they are my favorite breakfast lately, along with my ever present green smoothie, which is a constant. But they are great for anytime and wonderful for a on-the-run quick snack. || Read more

This blueberry squares recipe is loaded with antioxidant rich blueberries and topped with a sweet lemon topping that goes so well with the ultra rich berry filling. The 3 layers are all quite different but harmonize and compliment each other well. These are delicious and so abundantly nutritious that they will leave you feeling blissful after eating them! || Read more

There are many different types of curry found all over the world. This post will explain the mysterious world of curries. Often we think of Indian curry or curry powder when we think of curry, but it is so much more than that. Curries are found worldwide and are very diverse. I will share my favorite curry from Thailand, green curry, which can be prepared by hand or bought in a paste. Also, I will show you my favorite pre-made Thai curry paste and how to make my new favorite snack – Green Curry Kale Chips! || Read more

This quinoa cereal recipe makes a great breakfast and is a delicious high protein comfort food. The quinoa is cooked in cinnamon, vanilla and orange juice to infuse the quinoa with a sweet rich and delicious flavor. The mango and goji berries are mixed in after the quinoa is cooked, to keep their vital nutrients and enzymes intact. The warm quinoa softens the goji berries and gives this filling, but not heavy, dish a great texture, a wonderful tropical flavor and loads of nutrition. || Read more