Archive for the ‘Fitness’ Category

Dynamic Jumping Jack Burpee – Standing with feet hip width apart, squat down and place hands on ground in front of you, jump legs back into plank position, then jump legs out wide as you do push up and jump them back in as you come up from push up, jump legs back in and do a jumping jack when you come back up. || Read more

Ugi Woodchop Squats – Do a woodchop bringing Ugi high overhead to one side and when you bring it down squat down and twist bringing it low, close to ground between feet, alternate sides. || Read more

Elbow to Ugi Crunch – Lying on ground with knees bent and holding Ugi between knees, place hands behind head and come up crunching abs and twist torso to bring one elbow to Ugi, release and go back to ground and then come up for next rep and twist torso in the opposite direction and bring other elbow up to Ugi. Release and continue with crunches alternating sides for each rep. || Read more

Ugi Bridge – Start lying on ground with knees bent and feet raised up on Ugi. Then lift hips up into bridge position and then lower hips to ground and repeat lifting hips up to bridge and lowering. || Read more

3 Point Ugi Plank Jumps – From standing place Ugi on ground in front of your feet, place hands down on Ugi and jump back into high plank, jump feet in and then out to one side, jump them back in and then out to the other side and back in again. Continue jumping in and out to the 3 points, center, left and right for indicated number of reps or time. || Read more

Knee Tuck Burpee –Standing with feet hip width apart, squat down and place hands on ground in front of you, jump legs back into plank position, do a push up and then do 2 knee tucks, one with each knee, then jump legs back in and jump up in the air. || Read more