Archive for the ‘Fitness’ Category
Leg Circle Squat with Medicine ball – Standing holding medicine ball in front of you at navel squat down and bring ball down and around the calf of one leg and then come up again to standing. For the next squat bring the medicine ball down and around the calf of the opposite leg and then come up. Continue doing these movements and alternating sides for each rep. || Read more
Squat, Twist and Knee Tuck with Medicine ball – Holding a medicine ball in front of you do a squat and when you come up out of squat position twist torso to the left side bringing right leg up and over to the left with bent knee and bring medicine ball down to the right side of left leg. Do another squat and this time when you come up twist torso to the right and bring left leg up and over to the right with bent knee and bring medicine ball down to the left side of right leg. Continue with these movements alternating sides for each rep. || Read more
Squatting Burpees – Stand with legs hip width apart and squat down, then come up and squat again, come up and squat a third time and this time in the squat reach over and place hands on floor in front of you, jump back to plank, do a push up and then jump legs back in and jump up in the air. || Read more
Supergirl Burpees – (aka Superman Burpees) Standing with feet hip width apart, squat down and place hands on ground in front of you, jump legs back into plank position, do a push up, then extend one arm straight out in front of you while at the same time lifting and extending opposite side leg out straight behind. Hold this position for a second or two and then release coming back into plank position, jump legs back in and jump up in the air. || Read more
Alternating Ab Chop Leg Raise – Lying with legs stretched out and flat on ground, and with arms outstretched behind head also on the ground with hands together, sit up and bring arms high overhead and down to the right side towards ground, while simultaneously lifting up left leg. Keep arms and legs straight throughout movements. After hands come down towards ground and leg is raised up foot towards ceiling, reverse the movements and come back to start position. For the next rep swing your arms up overhead and down to the left side while lifting your right leg up and then come back down to lying start position. Continue in this manner alternating sides for each rep. || Read more
Standing One Leg Toe Touch – Start in standing position and raise arms up over your head with arms straight and hands together, lift one leg up keeping leg straight so that it is parallel to the ground and reach down both arms, keeping them straight, contacting abs and touch toes with fingertips. Then bring your arms back up overhead and leg back to ground. Repeat with the other leg and then continue alternating legs for each rep. || Read more
Weighted Sit Ups with Twist – Lie on the ground with your legs bent, wide apart and with your feet on the ground, hold a medicine ball, dumbbell or other weighted object at ground behind head. Sit up and bring weight up and overhead and then down towards ground between legs, then bring arms parallel to ground and swing the weighted object to the left. Reverse these movements and come back to start position. For the next rep do the same movements for the sit up but swing the weight to the right side. Continue doing sit ups in this manner twisting and bringing the weight to the opposite side for each rep. || Read more