Archive for the ‘Fitness’ Category

This sandbag workout is a time challenge workout, made up of 3 rounds. Each round has 5 sandbag exercises that together are great for all over body toning and with exercises to focus on many trouble areas. The high pull and clean and press exercises are great to tighten and tone the upper arms. There are 2 squat exercises, both of which tighten and shape the upper legs. Finally, the sit up exercise with sandbag lift strengthens and tightens the core while building ab muscles. || Read more

This burpee workout is a time challenge workout with 3 rounds. Each round is the same and consists of doing reps of 4 dynamic exercises. Go through them as fast as you can and take a little break between each round. The exercises in this bodyweight workout are great to tone and shape the body all over. The burpee exercises and others work ab muscles, shape legs and tighten core. || Read more

This sandbag workout is a HIIT workout made up of intervals. It has a couple new sandbag exercises: Sandbag Threading and Sandbag Cyclone Spin exercise mixed with some favorite sandbag exercises. This interval workout is a full body workout designed to strengthen core muscles and tone and shape body. These fast paced HIIT exercises are great for boosting metabolism, leaning, tightening, strengthening and bringing your body back to it’s optimal shape. || Read more

This leg workout is a great leg shaping workout that you are guaranteed to feel the next day, and most likely the one after. Muscle building action in only 12 minutes! This all bodyweight HIIT workout is made up of intervals and has some classic and very effective leg and butt building exercises. These exercises really work for me and I always feel my upper legs and glute muscles building afterwards. || Read more

This Ugi ab workout is made up of 5 exercises done in intervals. There are some new Ugi exercises and Ugi combination exercises. For all of the exercises tighten and contract your abs and then hold that tightened position while doing the exercise. This Ugi workout is 15 minutes of intervals with exercises that will tighten your core muscles. The time goes by fast and your mission is to do as many reps, with great form, as quickly as possible. || Read more

This hot warrior workout is 11 minutes of intervals with all bodyweight yoga inspired exercises. These exercises are wonderful to develop better balance, flexibility and work your core muscles. This gives you a deep rooted strength helpful for everyday life, to avoid injuries and give functional strength. The exercises are fun, the flow is great and the time goes by quick. It’s great for all over body toning. It tightens the core and is fabulous especially for shaping legs. || Read more

This legs and abs workout combines squats, a roll over burpee, jumping and abs exercises to strengthen core and work many muscles of the body, while being primarily focused on shaping the legs and tightening abdominal muscles. The exercises in this workout are done with a medicine ball, but they can also be done by using another weighted object or with just bodyweight. This legs and abs core workout will provide a good workout with or without a weighted object. || Read more