Archive for the ‘Fitness’ Category
Hamstring Curls with Swiss ball– Lying on back put shins up on Swiss ball and using legs roll it in towards you until your feet are on ball, lift your butt as you roll it in and bring the ball in close to your body, just under butt and then roll it back out to start position, bringing torso and butt back to the ground. || Read more
Rolling Knee Tucks and Push up on Swiss ball – Start with feet up on ball, hands on floor, and roll ball in towards you bending knees and then back out, at this point do a push up. Continue repeating these movements doing as many reps as you can in the time period. Each push up counts as one rep. || Read more
Crab Reach Ugi Squeeze – Get into crab position so hands and feet are on the ground and you are facing up, place Ugi between your knees and squeeze to hold in place. Bring one arm up and touch your forearm to the Ugi ball and then reach arm up and over your body towards the other hand and then bring it back. This is one rep. Continue with alternating these positions of bringing forearm and hand in to touch Ugi and stretching it out across body to the other side while squeezing Ugi between knees for as many reps as possible. || Read more
Plough to Star Crunch – Lay on your mat and bring your legs up to 90 degrees, then keeping legs straight lift lower legs slowly behind the head, bringing them down as much as is comfortable. Let feet touch the ground behind you if you are able or just bring them back as far as you comfortably can and then bring legs back up to 90 degrees, open legs wide into a V and crunching torso, reach hands close together through open legs as far as possible, then bring arms back to ground and lift legs back into plough position. Continue doing these movements going between plough position and star crunch. || Read more
Alternating Runners Lunge to Warrior 3 – From a high plank position being in one leg and place foot close to or between hands on ground. This is your start position. Place your weight and balance on this forward leg and use it to lift yourself up into a Warrior 3 yoga position, in which your torso and outstretched hands and other leg are all as straight as possible and parallel with the ground. Hold for a second and then come back down to your start position. Jump legs up and switch in the air so that you land with the other leg between hands and come up to Warrior 3 position on this leg as before. Continue with these movements alternating legs for each rep. || Read more
3 Pulse Squat to Warrior 3 – Standing with legs shoulder width apart, go down into a squat position with thighs parallel to the ground and from this position give 3 small pulses, pulsing body up and down holding the squat position for 3 reps. Then place your weight in one leg and come up to standing on that leg and go into Warrior 3 position, in which your torso and outstretched hands and other leg are all as straight as possible and parallel with the ground. Hold for a second and then bring your leg back to the ground and come back to a squat position. Continue with these movements alternating legs in each rep for the Warrior 3 pose. || Read more
Sandbag T Pull Push ups – Place sandbag on ground and then get into high plank (push up position) just to the right side of sandbag so that sandbag is at chest level on ground below you just to your left. Do a push up and then with the right hand reach under to the end handle on sandbag and pull it underneath you to the right side. Next lift your right hand up towards the ceiling so that arm is straight above you then lower it back down and come back to plank. This is one rep. Repeat movements on the other side, and continue alternating sides for each rep. || Read more