Archive for the ‘Fitness’ Category

This week, starting tomorrow I am doing a burpee challenge, just a little burpee challenge of 50 burpees every day for the next week starting Monday. I’d love you to join me!! I am going to post some of my workouts too of course! Burpees are tough, but they are one of the quickest ways I have seen to get your body lean, tight, toned and yes, even build muscle. Burpees are about as miraculous as raw food and subliminals! || Read more

This 12 minute core workout is made up of three 4 minute parts. Each part is done in intervals but for this workout there is no rest during the 4 minute intervals. You move quickly from one exercise to another. Each part has 2 exercises, one of which is a plank exercise. The plank is paired with squats in the first 2 rounds, and then with an ab exercise in the third. || Read more

This 3 part sandbag workout is a real core strengthening and tightening workout. With all of the squats and deadlifts this really works the legs, but primarily it targets the abs and core muscles. There are several one leg exercises, great balancing exercises to really develop the inner abs and assisting core muscles. These will help build your functional strength,which helps all daily movements and protects you from injury. || Read more

I have a new Ugi workout to share with you. This workout has 3 parts and takes about 17 minutes of pure work; not ncluding breaks. This Ugi workout is great for shaping legs and firming, rounding the behind. But all of the dynamic Ugi exercises make this a great total body shaping workout. Lots of moving and jumping is great for creating a tight, lean look quickly. The more your body moves the more it will increase flexibility and ease of movement. So let’s get moving! || Read more

This at home workout is an all bodyweight workout and all you need is yourself and a timer. It doesn’t take much room is done in bout 15 minutes. This upper body workout will work your whole body as well with lots of all over body toning exercises. Dynamic jumping, rolling type exercises are great to boost the metabolism, strengthen and tighten the full body as well as give you functional strength, || Read more

This new Ugi workout is great for shaping the legs and tightening and firming the butt with great Ugi leg and glute exercises. The Ugi pank butt blaster exercise looks innocent, but it is tough, and you will feel your glute muscles building afterwards. This HIIT workout is made up of 16 minutes of intervals which balance and alternate different core tightening, butt blasting leg exercises to give you great shapely legs. || Read more

This core workout is an HIIT workout, high intensoty interval training done in 2 parts with all bodyweight exercises. The first part is longer and combines core strengthening exercises. It has burpees and a side plank dip and crunch exercise that is great for forming awesome looking obliques as well as great for balance and tightening the abs and core muscles. The shorter second part is made up of all ab exercises. This workout strengthens the core and really works, tightens and shapes the ab muscles. || Read more