Archive for the ‘Workouts’ Category

I woke up thinking about 4×4 Burpees and Adventures in Burpeeland. We were in the back of a 4×4… last time I was in the back of a 4×4 was in El Negro (name of the truck) going through Mexico with a case of beer in the back.. that was a long time ago. But I woke up with an adventure in my head and had to simulate it in a workout and this is it. You’ll have to use your imagination to get full effect. || Read more

I love using my Ugi in workouts. It really feels like playing, but don’t be deceived by it’s cute look, it can really make exercises so much more challenging. In exercises where you are balancing on it, like the lunge on Ugi and plank to pike on Ugi, you can really feel your core muscles working as you stabilize your body on it. My pink one is 8 pounds so it adds a bit of resistance also. || Read more

This sandbag workout is a combination of skipping and exercises using a sandbag. I added a little extra weight to my sandbag and had it at 25 pounds for this one. I expected to get in 3 rounds, but was done by 2, probably due to the extra resistance. The skipping gives a nice little break to the sandbag exercises after each round. The sandbag T pull push ups and the good morning sandbag squats were new exercises for me and I really liked them. Actually, I really liked the whole combination of these exercises.

It’s back to burpees with this burpee business workout. I was feeling a need to get lots of burpees out and so picked out 8 different ones, most being some of my favorite burpees. The one leg burpees are the toughest one for me and so put it first to get it out of the way. I want to practice doing lots of these so I get good at them and love them too. I put in one round of burpees without push ups but it is actually harder to do them without when you get used to always putting a push up in, and it’s kind of sad that they don’t get one. They seem a little deprived. Ok, give them push ups if you want to. ; ) || Read more

Pull ups work the latissimus dorsi, which is the largest muscle in your upper body and having great lats gives you a fantastic triangle shape and makes your waist look smaller. So for both looks and to build functional, useful, day to day strength we definitely want to work this part of our body. || Read more