Archive for the ‘Workouts’ Category

I promise you that if you put your best into this workout you will feel it tomorrow. Well, at least I am majorly feeling it today (day after) and can hardly sit. Sometimes I wonder why I do this to myself, but really I know why! These workouts will make you feel great and look great. They are great for the emotional health, releasing endorphins that make us happy and they are also great for our physical health, driving oxygen to all the cells throughout the body, building muscle, boosting metabolism and helping the body to function better on many different levels. These workouts are hard but the results are an across the board Win! So, let’s get at shaping a better bottom and increasing our physical and mental health too! || Read more

I really liked this ab workout and finished it in about 15 minutes. It has 2 rounds of intervals, which are each done in between rounds of mountain climbers. Mountain climbers are great for working the abdominal muscles and after doing lots of them you will know, as you can feel it. The interval rounds are each 6 minutes and both have the same 4 exercises: 3 plank based exercises and one crunch. I really like all of these exercises and the order of them gives a good amount of diversity to make it move along really well. I am feeling my abs today (day after) from this and although I have another workout planned, I feel like doing this one again! || Read more

This workout is made up of 3 rounds and in each round you do 12 reps of 3 different exercises. Yesterdays date, Dec 12, 2012 (12/12/12) inspired this workout and I really got into the triple part of it. Each of the three exercises ended up with a triple part to it: 3 plank jacks in the burpees, 3 pulses for the squats and 3 points for each rep of the ab chops, so really you do 36 ab chops per round. I thought the workout was fun and moved along well and it was a great one to get back into the groove after my week away. || Read more

The goal of this workout is to get through 40 reps of 5 different exercises as quickly as you can. And I promise you that that sounds easier than it is! But this workout has some great, fun and dynamic exercises.and you will really feel this in the legs after! I think this is mainly from the first exercise – 3 Pulse Surfer Squat Jumps with Drop Down, as I could feel the burn after 10 reps. This exercise and the 3 Pulse Jump Lunges are great for building strong leg muscles and they work on the glutes, hamstrings and quad muscles, to help create all around strong sexy legs!

This workout is filled with jumps and will have you jumping all over the place and in every direction. It’s very dynamic and active. The workout has 3 parts, each is made up of tabata intervals and in each tabata you alternate doing 2 exercises. I think it’s a really fun one filled with some great exercises and the time goes by really fast. Hope you like this one too! || Read more

This ab workout is made up of 6 exercises and flows from one into the other, lying sideways on mat you start with a crunch (facing upwards) and then roll over and do an exercise facing down, then roll back and do one facing up, roll over and do one facing down and again one up and one down and that is one round. You do 20 reps of each exercise until the last one which has 10. I found it best to memorize the order and when I wrote it on a piece of paper found that was enough to help remember them so I could just go through the sequence easily. || Read more

This 12 minute workout has 3 tabata parts in it (Follow that link to read more on tabatas!). Each of the parts has 2 exercises in it: a crunch type ab exercise and a plank type exercise, also great for the abs. The time goes by quick and because you are alternating the exercises you just have 4 periods for each of them, so put as much into each one as you can so that you really feel it afterwards and so you get the most out of the workout. || Read more