Archive for the ‘Metabolism Booster Workouts – under 10 minutes’ Category
Short quick workouts designed to rev up your metabolism and keep it going!
posted by Robin on Metabolism Booster Workouts - under 10 minutes

This metabolism booster workout is 8 minutes of interval training. It consists of 8 exercises and each of these uses sliders. I used furniture sliders and I will post links and suggestions to different options below. This is a great new way to change up the exercises and use different muscles. You will use more stabilizing and core muscles to keep your foot on the slider and control the slide on top of performing the exercise. || Read more
posted by Robin on Metabolism Booster Workouts - under 10 minutes

This metabolism booster interval workout will get you sweating in 4 minutes. It is made up of 4 different types of burpees and the goal is to do as many as you can in each 50 second period. This workout is designed to give you a boost of energy and kick start your metabolism and keep it rev’ed and working for hours to come. It is short and quick but it does the job, so get on it, get it done and give it all you’ve got! || Read more
posted by Robin on Metabolism Booster Workouts - under 10 minutes

This metabolism booster workout is made up of 2 parts. The first is 4 minutes of 2 exercises done back to back and is sure to get you into a quick sweat. But 4 minutes and it is done!! Then you move onto the challenge, a time challenge with a fun exercise that took me just over 3 minutes. Just 7-8 minutes and your body is rev’ed and you are a fat burning, energetic, invigorated machine! Awesome! || Read more
posted by Robin on Metabolism Booster Workouts - under 10 minutes

This metabolism booster is a time challenge and the goal is to go through 3 rounds as quickly as possible but without sacrificing form. Good form always takes priority over speed. 2 of the 4 exercises are done on the dip station and the remaining 2 are bodyweight based. It’s a good flow of fun exercises, starting with breakdance push ups which are really dynamic and fun. These exercises are tough, but fun and they not only bring out the inner child, but also make you look and feel fabulous. || Read more
posted by Robin on Metabolism Booster Workouts - under 10 minutes

This 8 minute metabolism booster workout is made up of 2 parts. Both parts are 4 minutes long. The first part is as many rounds as possible of 2 exercises back to back and the 2nd part is made up of tabata intervals. The time goes by quick so push yourself to get as many reps as you can in before it’s done. I always find it amazing how these short workouts can give you such a good workout. I think it’s that the tendency is to push more because it is short and we almost always do our best and push hardest at the start of the workouts. So with these, you get the most effect in the least time! || Read more
posted by Robin on Metabolism Booster Workouts - under 10 minutes

This multifaceted workout is another in the metabolism booster series and designed to help rev up the internal engines and get the body burning and eliminating fat and waste from cells and get it running smoothly and efficiently. This little full body workout covers all bases: abs, arms, legs, shoulders, butt, and it made me feel invigorated and full of energy afterwards. || Read more
posted by Robin on Metabolism Booster Workouts - under 10 minutes

This quick little nifty workout is made up of 7 exercises and takes only 8 minutes to complete. Great to get your system revved up and your metabolism boosted. Sometimes on a busy day one short workout is all you need to get your fitness in. It’s the initial parts of the workout that are most effective and so even though this is a short workout, if you put a lot into it you can get a lot out of it! || Read more