Archive for the ‘Intensive Training Workouts – over 15 minutes’ Category
designed to help you build muscle, strength and a fantastic body fast!

This time challenge Ugi workout is really core and abs focused. It has 5 rounds and each round has 40 reps of a different Ugi crunch exercise, as well as a newly designed way to get more burpees in. This innovative burpee strategy worked for me to give them a bit of a new twist. The accompanying squats provide a little extra leg and butt work and it never hurts to do a little extra work on those! Well, it may hurt a bit the next day, but you’ll look fabulous for it and feel great when you look in the mirror. Really we know that being fit is most important for our health and the benefits of these short workouts are worth it to feel great on the inside.. but it’s a serious bonus to look great outside too! || Read more

Get your sandbag and dip stations out and ready for this 3 part workout. In this one the 1st and 3rd parts are the same and are 8 minutes of intervals. the 2nd part is a time challenge which took me 5 minutes and 6 seconds to complete. This is a full body workout with lots of core work. || Read more

This workout is filled with lots of ab exercises using a medicine ball. It has 10 different ones, so you get a great variety! If you don’t have a medicine ball, just modify by using your body weight or other weight, such as another ball, dumbbell, kettle bell or even a water bottle. There are burpees again, and like a Mom sneaks vegetables into her kids meals I sneak burpees into workouts. They just work. Burpees are a great full body exercise that really works the core muscles. So between these and all the different ab exercises, your core and abs will get a blast! || Read more

This 16 minute interval training workout is a collection of some of my favorite leg and ab exercises. I was really feeling my arms from the Burpees Gone Wild Workout yesterday and decided to give my upper body a break and focus on lower body and abs. I really enjoyed the flow in the sequence of the exercises in this workout. || Read more

This is the 4th 100 rep burpee workout I’ve posted to date ..and there are a couple workouts with over 100 burpees, but I found this one is the hardest of all so far! There are some fun and new burpees in this one which are always great to change things up and make the workout exciting. New things to think about also entertain the mind and so you are concentrating on positions and form and the reps go by quickly.. for the most part. || Read more

This workout is mainly upper body focused with lots of push ups and pull ups. It’s also a great workout to work on your coordination and balance as most of the exercises are done on one leg. This also works your core stabilizing muscles and makes it more fun, and more challenging. This workout is deceptive as it’s 5 reps of each exercise and the push ups are all done as a part of walk outs and burpees, but by the end of it you will have completed 100 push ups! || Read more

This workout is 5 rounds of Jump Lunges, Crunches, Burpees and Skipping. The exercises are the same for each round, except for the crunches and for these you do a different type of crunch in each round. This workout took longer than I anticipated and really had me sweating. This is a serious leg workout and I was really feeling it the day after. Jump Lunges do amazing things for legs!! || Read more