Archive for the ‘Daily Workouts – 10-15 minutes’ Category
Workouts of the day to keep you fit and strong.

This 15 minute full body workout is made up of intervals with 6 fun and dynamic exercises, which you do 3 times for each. It’s quick and active so put your most into it and you will reap the rewards. These short workouts are super effective! This workout really sneaks in some great core strength building exercises: superman exercises and tuck jumps are a couple great exercises to build abs! ..and I followed this with another 200 reps of ab exercises, which I will also post below. || Read more

This workout can be done in under 15 minutes. It is a 10 minute sandbag interval training workout with some great new sandbag exercises, sandwiched between 10 walking plank burpees done just before and just after the intervals. So get out your sandbags and let’s get started! || Read more

This 12 minute interval based workout is a flow between 6 exercises, each of which you do 3 times. This workout has, and starts with, pull ups. It is a tough exercise but one that builds great upper body strength, especially working the lat muscles to give you that V shape which emphasises your waist. & Hey, they are just a cool exercise and it is awesome to be able to do them! They take care of the 1st interval, get them out of the way and then move onto the next 5 fun -let’s move that body – dynamic exercises. Lots of great variety here. So, let’s get that heart pumping and do this! || Read more

This workout took me just slightly over 15 minutes and is made up of 2 parts. The first part alternated skipping with an ab exercise. If you can not skip, substitute high knees or another cardio exercise. The second part is 9 minutes of intervals, alternating 3 exercises, each done 3 times. This workout has lots of cardio, which is great to get the heart rate up, interspersed with core focused exercises.

This interval training workout is under 13 minutes and will give you a great workout all over: legs, arms abs and core! It has some great body weight exercises like dive bombers and pulsing jump lunges and for this workout we get to use our dip stations! If you don’t have one, modify with your favorite type of burpee for the 1st exercise and your favorite squat exercise for the 2nd. Always modify to make the workout work for you! This workout will quantum leap you into a wonderfully sexy and happy body that you can feel great about! || Read more

I really loved this workout and hope that you do too. I found that I really got a lot out of the pull ups by spacing them out between the squats and so I could do more than usual. The exercises are well broken up to give you enough recovery to do the next set strong. This workout contains 30 burpees, 30 pull ups and lots of squats! Let’s do this! || Read more

This time challenge workout can be done in under 15 minutes. It is 3 rounds of a sequence of great exercises: side burpees, side crunches and 2 types of side lunges. A challenge and a workout adventure await you. Give it a go and see how you do. Your body will thank you for it after!! || Read more