Archive for the ‘Exercises’ Category

45 Degree Crunches with Medicine ball – Sit on floor holding medicine ball to chest and lean back at a 45 degree angle while lifting feet up off floor. Then hold ball out in front of you and bring ball as far as you can to your right, then bring ball back to center with arms kept straight and then twist upper torso bringing ball as far as you can to the left side. Continue with these movements alternating bringing ball from center to right to center to left. || Read more

3 Pulse Jump Lunges – Start in a forward lunge position, with front leg bent and back leg straight, jump up and simultaneously switch leg positions, so that opposite leg is forward and then pulse up and down 3 times. Jump again switching leg positions so that opposite leg is lunging forward and pulse 3 times and continue jumping and pulsing 3 times between each jump. || Read more

Oblique Knee Raises – Stand in middle of dip station and grasp handles, then straighten arms lifting yourself up off the floor, bend legs at an angle and bring up knees towards your chest using your oblique (side ab) muscles, then lower legs back down to standing. || Read more

Push up with Knee Tucks – Get into push up position and do a push up, then do 2 knee tucks, one with each leg. First bring the knee of one leg in to chest and back and then bring knee of other leg in towards chest and back. This is one rep. || Read more

Squat and Knee Raise – Stand in middle of dip station and squat into a deep squat and then grasp handles of dip station and lift yourself off ground and bring knees up towards chest as high as you can, then lower legs, release handles and squat low again and continue alternating doing knee raises and squats. || Read more

Caterpillar Ugi – Sit on Ugi and balance with legs raised and hands just touching ground behind you, then crunch knees in towards chest and then bring them back out and continue alternating bringing legs in and out. Focus on tightening abs during movements. || Read more

Leg Lift Toe Touch, Leg Drop Toe Touch with Ugi – lying flat on mat with legs straight and arms extended above head holding Ugi, lift legs together straight up at 90 degrees while simultaneously lifting up Ugi to touch toes, lower legs and Ugi down to starting position. Next sit up lifting Ugi overhead and reach forward to touch Ugi to your toes and then reverse movements coming back to starting position again. This is one rep. || Read more