Archive for the ‘Blog’ Category

Adaptogenic herbs are safe, non-toxic herbs that recharge the adrenal glands, helping you respond to stress. The top adaptogenic herbs can be taken safely as they are non-toxic. One of the main benefits of them is that not only do they work on the whole body, but they go to work where your body needs it the most. The top adaptogenic herbs will help you to reduce stress and gain energy. They also strengthen the immune system, || Read more

I have a great tip that could transform you from a cilantro hater to a lover. Some people pride themselves on their hate of cilantro. But really cilantro has some unique health promoting benefits, like reducing anxiety, enabling better sleep, balancing blood sugar levels and it’s most known benefit: heavy metal detoxing. So many people miss out on the great benefits but I have discovered a simple tip, that converts its chemical make-up to actually change its flavor. || Read more

Whether you are raw, vegan or just want healthy vegetarian options, I have some rich, hearty and satisfying, abundantly nutritious vegan Thanksgiving recipe ideas to share. || Read more

My juice challenge of getting out the juicer and juicing every day is going strong over here. I have not been posting every juice, and I have not been taking pictures of every juice. But I have been taking pictures of several of them, and posting my favorites. This one was a winner. I felt like I was getting creative and juiced a fennel bulb along with pineapple and a pear. It was So good!! || Read more

The left over pulp from juicing is an excellent ingredient to use to make crackers. This juice pulp cracker recipe is made with a base of flax, seeds and juice pulp and has lots of herbs and onion to flavor it. These crackers are not only delicious but the texture is great as well. They are crisp, yet light and they break easily and have a good crunch to them. || Read more

This core workout is an HIIT workout, high intensoty interval training done in 2 parts with all bodyweight exercises. The first part is longer and combines core strengthening exercises. It has burpees and a side plank dip and crunch exercise that is great for forming awesome looking obliques as well as great for balance and tightening the abs and core muscles. The shorter second part is made up of all ab exercises. This workout strengthens the core and really works, tightens and shapes the ab muscles. || Read more

This delicious sweet potato black eyed peas soup recipe is a wonderfully thick, rich and hearty vegan soup recipe. In addition to the back beans and sweet potato it has more vegetables and chopped kale for added nutrition (I’m always sneaking greens in) and lots of fresh herbs from the garden. I love our fresh garden herbs. Fresh herbs really add a lot to any recipe and they don’t take a lot of room to grow. They can be grown in small pots on the windowsill and give such a great flavor. But dried herbs are great too and can be easily substituted. Coconut milk thickens this up. It’s a wonderful combination! || Read more