Archive for the ‘Blog’ Category

We all know that there are so many benefits to getting a good nights sleep. Sleep is important for our total well-being and health. It directly influences our energy and happiness levels and to keeping thin and losing weight too. Proper sleep regulates our hormones, which play a big role in our all over health. Read on to see how to stay balanced, slim, happy and get a better night’s sleep. || Read more

This Marrakesh vegetable curry recipe is loaded with flavor. Spices are freshly toasted and ground and then before serving, we add into what is already an incredibly flavorful curry, lemon, golden raisins, spinach and almonds. This dish is truly a feast for the senses and a wonderful expression of the richness and abundance that the world has to offer.

I am convinced that burpees are the best full body exercise there is to really tone and shape the body quickly. Studes have confirmed it, and thousands of people know, that burpees and HIIT workouts in general with their quick bursts of action boost the metabolism, slimming the body while at the same time building muscle. || Read more

I’m home and going over photos again. Here is the last set of healthy food inspiration to share with you from the Lotus Heart Center kitchen.

I have just left the Lotus Heart Center and arrived in Toronto. It’s a bittersweet feeling. I will miss those crazy full days in the kitchen, but treasure being here with my friends and kids for a few days before returning again to the comforts of home. I have a couple days in the city and lots more pics to share with you in between running around doing all the things I want to get done while I am here. || Read more

I’ve been at the Lotus heart center just over 24 hours now. I arrived around midnight, it was dark and we had a vehicle filled with food. 3 fridges now packed! I am just getting oriented in the kitchen and around the place. It’s a little like a maze, a beautiful high vibe one, with sets of rooms off in different wings. It’s quite big, various sitting areas and there is a huge gorgeous yoga hall. || Read more

Ho’oponopono is one of my personal favorite and most used (inner and outer) healing techniques. I first heard of it from an article by Joe Vitale many years ago, which told a fascinating story about a Hawaiian psychologist, Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len. Dr Hew Len worked in a prison for the criminally insane and made amazing transformations to the complete ward of inmates through the ancient Hawaiian healing technique of Ho’oponopono. || Read more