Archive for the ‘Blog’ Category

We are back into routine after our vacations and Mom and I are back to our Friday soup making. Yesterday we created a cream of broccoli soup recipe that has no real cream but instead uses coconut milk to get it’s smooth texture. || Read more

This was the fastest moving 100 burpee workout yet! I found the time to go by quickly and was finished in no time. || Read more

It’s been 5 days since I’ve started filming myself doing workouts and I’ve learned a lot. I have learned that I need to work more on my form in certain aspects, and I can do that. I need to learn a lot about making videos, and I can do that too. But the thing I really realized is that you look a lot different through the lens of a camera than through the minds eye; I suspected that already from taking pictures, but it really shows up more in film. || Read more

This workout is comprised of just 2 exercises: burpees and skipping, and so is cardio intensive. Its a 2 part workout and a time challenge, but you can take as long of a break between the 2 parts as you like. || Read more

This full course on sprouting at home teaches you everything you need to know grow your own sprouts, whether grown in soil or hydroponic, grown in water.
Trefor Randall, the Sprouting Guru, who was head of production at Toronto Sprouts for many years shares his sprouting wisdom and experience with us. In these videos Trefor shows all of the necessary equipment, seeds and know how needed to successfully grow your own sprouts at home. || Read more

This workout has 10 rounds and each round has a different style of burpee, which are followed by squats and then knee hug crunches. || Read more

The classic Tomato Marinara Sauce Recipe is such a classic one and as a base recipe, it is so important to have a good recipe for this. I love this recipe and sharing it kind of feels kind of like handing down your grandmother’s secret recipe. || Read more