Archive for the ‘Blog’ Category

The idyllic Maldives is famous for its crystal clear waters and its diving and snorkelling. The all inclusive resort Banyan Tree is close to the capital city, Male and takes 30 minutes via sea plane to reach. || Read more

Lots of skipping here – 300 reps before, during and after, so 900 total!! ..and yes, go ahead and do your favorite cardio if skipping isn’t your thing or you can’t in your environment: high knees, mountain climbers, jumping jacks, a run.. all good! I love some of the exercises in this one, esp Thigh & Fly, Skater exercises, T Burpees, One Arm Lift, lots of good ones – a dynamic and fun mix up to make time fly by! || Read more

Don Miguel Ruiz’s The 4 Agreements is one of my all-time favorite books. So much so that I keep buying copies of it, as I keep giving it to people who I think will benefit from it or who will love it as much as I do. It is the only book that I often have 2 copies of on my bookshelf. I think that it contains some very basic and important governing principles to use in life to attain a deeper level of inner happiness. || Read more

This workout takes only 15 minutes. It has 2 rounds of 6 minute intervals with 100 skips in between them, as well as 100 before and after to make 300 skips. || Read more

This workout uses one of my favorite pieces of equipment. My pink Ugi is 10 pounds and it really works the core stabilizing muscles in the exercises that you have to balance on it. || Read more

This delicious, rich and flavorful basil spinach pesto sauce is so easy to make. For even more flavor and when in season, you can use more basil in this recipe. || Read more

Akroyoga is a new sport that began in 2001 in Montreal, Canada. It was created to combine the best of acrobatics and yoga. || Read more