Archive for the ‘Blog’ Category

I was really looking forward to checking out the Halifax market! I love our market at home also.. but I had heard so much about this one that I was really excited to check it out. & I wasn’t are some highlights of our trip to the market. || Read more

This Wave Rider Workout is short, but intense. It definitely will wave, jump, twist and twirl you around until you’re a sweaty mess. Fun. ; ) ..and you’ll be filled with endorphins and so actually smiling after the brutality. It will make you look and feel fabulous! All that in under 15 minutes! Awesome. || Read more

I am going to show you how to make raw pizza and I have 2 fabulous pizza crust recipes to share with you! Pizza is one of my favorite meals. It’s a great comfort food and this pizza is also very nutritious! I love to have a few slices of it with a salad on the side. This is one of my favorite dishes to make when I am expecting to have people over and it always goes over well! || Read more

This is hands down my favorite dipping sauce for spring rolls. It has a very unique combination of flavors that I think are amazing together. It has a certain distinctive uniqueness about it. You can also spice it up with a bit of hot sauce or sambal added or leave it as is – either way, delicious! || Read more

Our garden is bursting with color and flavor!! ..mostly greens, which we love in our smoothies and salads. That was our intention, and we are greens rich right now! || Read more

It’s the day after doing this workout – and I am feeling my abs – so that tells me, this workout worked!! Although I may have made the Ab Pulses look easy in the video, they are horrendous and brutal (me clutching my abs at the end may have given it away!). It’s brutal but it’s only a little more than 13 minutes.. I’m sure we all can hold on for that long to get through it. I promise, it’s worth the pain! || Read more