Archive for the ‘Blog’ Category

Our brains are one of the most fascinating organs in our body! We can improve the health of our brains regardless of our age with healthy eating, exercise and our lifestyle choices. Our brain has an amazing quality to it – its neuroplasticicy, which allows the nerve cells in the brain to change their connections. The brain neurons will change and find new connections to adapt and function after an injury or disease. There are several ways to strengthen and keep your brain healthy. Here is a list for the top 10 keys to a superhero brain! || Read more

This recipe combines 2 great concepts! It has a pumpkin pie filling flavor and the superfood nutritional qualities of chia pudding. It doesn’t take much of this to make you feel full either, because of the fill you up quickly quality of chia seeds. Chia expands 9 times it’s size which makes it a dieters dream, especially as it can keep you feeling full for hours. Most importantly, this recipe is delicious. If you love pumpkin pie, and are health or weight conscious, you have to try this! || Read more

This is a favorite broccoli dish that I have made quite often. Although it is raw if it is left to sit for a few hours the broccoli will wilt a bit and this is one of those dishes that is actually better the next day. Whenever I make it I usually make lots and so can eat it over the next few days. || Read more

This home is made completely of bamboo! Today we are working and playing from here: burpeeing through the bamboo forest and living on wild jungle fruit.. and green smoothies and kale chips, just took some out of the dehydrator this morning! || Read more

The Crispy Living Nuts and Seeds recipes will show you how to make a healthy version of dried nuts and seeds. It will show how to season them yourself and dry them at lower temperatures to retain all of the enzymes, vital nutrients and life force in the nuts in seeds. These are delicious to eat straight from the dehydrator (or oven) or can be mixed with raisins, goji berries and your favorite ingredients to make your own delicious and super healthy trail mix. || Read more

Angela Stokes, an award winning author and lifestyle consultant, lost over 160 pounds and has kept it off by living a raw lifestyle. She recovered from being considered morbidly obese at 294 pounds and has kept the weight off long term by eating raw plant foods. She considers this to be a healthy, simple and sustainable solution for losing weight and keeping it off. A solution in which the weight just seems to literally drop off. Angela is a great source of inspiration for many and is a beautiful vision of health and well-being. || Read more