Archive for the ‘Blog’ Category

This Blended Salad Soup Recipe is new way to change up how you get your greens and it is surprisingly refreshing and delicious way to do it. I will admit that I was turned off at first with the idea of blending my salad, but only until I tried it. What a surprise! So I know and agree, that a salad soup may sound really strange, but give it a try and you may be surprised also to find that this super easy way to get greens actually tastes fantastic! || Read more

This push ups workout is a push ups challenge. It has 100 push ups and can be done in under 15 minutes. There are 5 rounds and each is the same. You move from one round to the next without taking a break, or as quickly as you can, to get finished the whole workout in as little time as possible, with keeping good form of course! || Read more

Our celriac, leek and kale soup recipe this week features the cool and unusually ugly looking vegetable celriac and also leeks, which mom & I picked up at the market yesterday morning. Celriac is amazing in soups. It does not have a strong taste It is fairly mild and tastes somewhat like celery, but not as nearly as assertive, celriac is much more mellow. After you peel all the knobby parts off of it the inside has a texture much like a rutabaga or turnip and I think it is quite a nice change from that or potatoes in vegetable soup recipes. This soup also has kale as I am on a bit of a kale kick and trying to eat as much of it as I can. It is quite an ecclectic spice mixture and I knew I was pushing it a little with my combination but I, and others, think it turned out to be quite fantastic.

For this squat workout there are 3 parts. The first and third are a squat based time challenge in which you go through a sequence of 3 different squat exercises and do 5 rounds as quickly as you can. You will feel the leg burn at the end of each and especially after the squat pulses. Between the two time challenges there is a 12 minute set of intervals, which provides a break from the squats and changes it up with other fun bodyweight exercises. These are arranged so that you change positions between each exercise: from a crab exercise facing up to a walk out facing down, table makers up, burpees down. I was thinking of balance and yoga and how you do a pose on each opposite side. This part is quick and active to boost the metabolism, as well as build core and functional strength. || Read more

This raw vegan chili recipe really rocks. It is one of my favorite meals and yes, chili can be made vegan, not to mention raw, just as successfully in my opinion as the classic cooked version. Its a matter of the right spices, getting a delicious flavor down as well as a nice thick hearty texture and consistency. And this recipe succeeds on both counts and is one of my very favorite raw meals. This has been a favorite for several years, and I feel it has been perfected to my liking and now can go down side by side with my grandmothers favorite cooked recipe for it, which is also delicious. But this one does have a huge advantage and that lies in its nutrition. The fresh vegetables all keeping their natural enzymes and nutrients intact can’t be beat to make us feel great and glow. This recipe represents the best of all worlds. If you are into raw foods, or a great chili lover too, you have to check this one out! || Read more

This easy raw chocolate bark recipe came about as I decided that I want to make my own raw chocolate. I have been eating more dark chocolate than usual, because it’s easier to just buy it and being in a smaller city means it’s harder to find it raw and raw chocolate is really where it is at on a nutritional level. Raw cacao has off the chart nutritional properties, in my opinion it is one of the most powerful of the superfoods, but it only keeps it’s super powers when it is in it’s raw state. So I am on a quest to create an awesome chocolate bark recipe. || Read more

Our virtual trip today takes us to the Harbin Ice and Snow Festival. This festival is amazing with full size buildings made from blocks of 2–3 feet thick of crystal clear ice cut from the Songhua River and lit up in many colors. Quite fascinating and beautiful. This is ‘Ice and Snow World’ but there is also an exhibition at Sun Island with enormous snow sculptures as well as ice and snow sculptures throughout the city. || Read more