Captain Sinbad’s Sandbag Workout

This sandbag workout is a time challenge workout, made up of 3 rounds. Each round has 5 sandbag exercises that together are great for all over body toning and with exercises to focus on many trouble areas. The high pull and clean and press exercises are great to tighten and tone the upper arms. There are 2 squat exercises, both of which tighten and shape the upper legs. Finally, the sit up exercise with sandbag lift strengthens and tightens the core while building ab muscles.
The sandbag is perhaps my favorite of all my home gym equipment. Ugi comes a close second, but the sandbag is so versatile and using it you can easily replicate many natural movements the body makes in it’s day to day actions, which strengthens the body to keep you strong in a functional and useful way.
If you don’t have a sandbag yet, check it out on my Resource page. I highly recommend it. I have links to the one I use regularly. The ultimate sandbag is very strong and durable.
A link to info on the Gymboss timer and for links to online timers is here.
So get your sandbag and timer and join me in the gym!
Captain Sinbad’s Sandbag Workout
Workout Breakdown
Time challenge
Do 3 rounds of the following
20 Sandbag High Pulls
20 Around the World Sandbag Squats
20 Sit Up with Side to Side Sandbag Lift
20 Shouldering Sandbag Squat and Press, alternate shoulders
20 Sandbag Clean and Press and Over
Captain Sinbad’s Sandbag Workout on Video
My Time
It took me close to 7 minutes per round, and I took a little break between each round. So total workout time is approximately 22 minutes.
Exercise Descriptions
Stand with legs shoulder width apart and have sandbag on ground to the side beside on of your feet and then bend at the hip and grab sandbag by its lateral handles, lift bringing sandbag to the front and pull up high to between collarbone and head area and then bring back down to the ground on the other side, beside the opposite side foot. Repeat movements bringing sandbag back to start position and continue doing high pulls and bringing sandbag from side to side.
Around the World Sandbag Squats
Start with legs shoulder width apart and sandbag held behind at upper back. Squat and then swing one arm overhead bringing sandbag around to front and then the other arm over to bring it back into starting position, so that the sandbag has just gone 360 degrees around your head. This is one rep. Change directions for each rep, going back and forth from clockwise to counter clockwise.
Sit Up with Side to Side Sandbag Lift
Set sandbag on ground beside one of your hips to start. Lie back with knees bent and feet on floor, then sit up and grabbing the lateral handles of sandbag lift it up and over to the ground beside your hip on the opposite side. Lie back down and then sit up again and bring sandbag back up and over body to its starting spot. Continue with these sit ups lifting sandbag from side to side with each sit up.
Shouldering Sandbag Squat and Press
Holding sandbag up on one shoulder, squat and as you come back up to standing lift sandbag up with both hands and lift over head to the opposite shoulder. Then do a squat with sandbag in this shoulder and as you come up from the squat lift sandbag over again to the shoulder it started on. Squat and continue with these movements alternating shoulders that sandbag rests on each time you come up out of the squat.
Sandbag Clean and Press and Over
Bend over and pick up sandbag by its 2 lateral side handles, bring it up to hip level straightening your body and flip it so it’s up on top of your hands and press up to ceiling. From here lower the sandbag down behind head, bending arms at elbows and using triceps, then bring the sandbag back up and back in front and reverse the clean and press movements bringing it back down to ground. This is one rep.