Calorie Killer Sandbag Sensation Workout est 30 min

This workout is a long one but a good one! It has lots of cardio built into it and will work on mostly lower body (legs, butt) and abs. For this one I did 3 rounds of the 2 parts. The first part is a time challenge that took me just over 3 minutes for each round and the second part is interval training rotating 3 awesome sandbag exercises and it is almost 7 minutes. So doing one round of the 2 parts will take about 10 minutes. My initial intention was to do 4 rounds of this, but as I was expecting company and was already at my time limit (was giving myself 30 minutes) I changed it to 3 rounds. So, that being said.. if you are up for the 4 rounds go for it! ..and conversely if you feel like doing 2 or even one round of this – great. Do whatever it takes to get yourself up and moving! ..but however you do it, push yourself while you are in the ring and do your best. You will feel great about yourself after!
Calorie Killer Sandbag Sensation Workout
Workout Breakdown
Do both of the following parts 3 times through:
Part 1 – Time Challenge
50 Mountain Climbers
25 Sandbag Sit Ups
100 Skips
Part 2 – 6 min. and 45 secs. of Intervals
Set your timer for 9 rounds of 10 seconds rest and 35 seconds work and do the following 3 exercises 3 times each
Sandbag Clean and Press Burpees
Good Morning 3 Pulse Sandbag Squats
360 Degrees Sandbag Lunges
Click this link to get your Ultimate Sandbag or go to my Resource page to check out my favorite home gym and kitchen equipment.
Workout on Video
My times and reps
Part 1 – 1st round 3:18, 2nd round 3:25, 3rd round 3:11
Part 2
Sandbag Clean and Press Burpees – 1st round 5, 5, 4, 2nd round 4, 5, 5, 3rd round 5, 4, 5
Good Morning 3 Pulse Sandbag Squats – 1st round 5, 5, 5, 2nd round 5, 5, 5, 3rd round 5, 5, 5
360 Degrees Sandbag Lunges – 1st round 12, 12, 12, 2nd round 12, 12, 12, 3rd round (without sandbag) 13, 13, 12
I dropped the sandbag for the 3rd round of lunges as I was feeling my knees, and I am protective of them. I have too many friends who have knee or joint problems and I have been fortunate to not have had to deal with this. We want our bodies in great working condition to last our lifetimes! ..and so, if I feel any discomfort I will stop or modify. Please do the same.
Exercise Descriptions
Get into high plank (push up) position, then bring one leg in towards chest, bending knee and with foot on ground; this is your start position. Simultaneously jump the bent forward leg back and the back leg forward alternating and jumping legs back and forth while keeping torso of body as straight as possible while performing these movements. Each time a leg jumps forward counts as one rep.
Lie back with knees bent, feet on floor, holding sandbag overhead, sit up while raising sandbag up as high as you can, then lie back bringing sandbag back overhead. This is one rep.
Regular skipping is like jogging in place while jumping rope, jump once each rope turn with alternating legs.
Sandbag Clean and Press Burpees
With hands on sandbag jump or step back into push up position and do a pushup, then jump or step feet back in and do a clean and press with sandbag: pick up sandbag by its 2 horizontal side handles, bring it up to hip level straightening your body and flipping it so it’s up on top of your hands over knuckles and press it up towards ceiling, and then reverse movements bringing it back down to ground. This is one rep.
Good Morning 3 Pulse Sandbag Squats
Stand with legs hop width apart and reach over to pick up sandbag from ground in front of you. Lift up and flip over onto the backs of hands and hold sandbag close to chest. Then bend over at waist 90 degrees, keeping legs straight and back straight, so that back is parallel with floor and come back up to standing, then squat down continuing to hold sandbag close to chest and pulse 3 times up and down and then come up. This is one rep.
From standing, roll sandbag up and over backs of hands with the 2 lateral handles and hold sandbag in close to chest during all movements. First take a step forward with one leg and do a forward lunge, bending your front knee and going down until thigh is parallel with floor, come back to standing and then take a step with the same leg out to the side do a side lunge, step back in and next step backwards and do a backwards lunge, bending front leg bringing thigh parallel to ground and then step back in. Now follow the movements with the other leg starting with a backwards lunge then doing a side lunge and then a front lunge. Continue doing 3 lunges on each leg and doing lunges in a circle pattern around you for set number of reps or for time.