Burpees on the Side Workout est 15 min

This workout is made up of 2 rounds of intervals that are preceded, separated and followed by rounds of side burpees. The intervals are filled with exercises that are great for the abs and core, especially strengthening the obliques and also the supporting stabilizing muscles which get worked as you hold your balance in the side planks. These exercises create great cat-like sleek lines in the body! And burpees are great for just about everything! They are a full body exercise working most of the major muscle groups of the body and adding cardio in too.
Take breaks between the parts if you need to but keep in mind that working through this workout quickly going from one part to the next, will make it even more effective for it’s metabolism boosting quality and help your body to work more efficiently and burn fat faster. The results you will see for pushing through a few minutes of full on intensity will be worth it!
The side burpees in parts 1, 3 and 5 should only take a minute each. These and the 2 parts, which are each 6 minutes will make this workout around 15 minutes long.
Burpees on the Side Workout
Workout Breakdown
Parts 1, 3 and 5
For each part do:
10 Side Burpees
Part 2 – 6 minutes of intervals
Set your timer for 9 rounds of 10 seconds rest and 30 seconds work and go through the following 3 exercises three times:
Side Plank Dip and Leg Raise – left
Side Plank Dip and Leg Raise – right
Side Plank Mill
Part 4 – 6 minutes of intervals
Set your timer for 9 rounds of 10 seconds rest and 30 seconds work and go through the following 3 exercises three times:
Side Crunches – left
Double Crunch
Side Crunches – right
Workout on Video
Exercise Descriptions
Squat down and put hands together on ground in diamond position a little off to one side, then jump both legs out sideways in the other direction, push up then jump legs in and jump up, alternate sides for each rep.
Get into side plank position with foot of top leg just in front of foot of bottom leg, bend elbow of top arm and place hand behind head, drop hip down so that it touches the ground and bring back up so body is in a straight line again and then lift top leg up as much as possible while holding steady in side plank position, bring leg back down returning to start position. Each dip and leg raise is one rep.
Start in side plank with arm outstretched toward ceiling, turn body to high plank position without touching ground with extended arm, in plank extend it out directly in front of you, go back into side plank position, extending arm upwards and continue going back and forth between these 2 positions.
Lie halfway between being on your back and on your side, use the forearm of your bottom arm for support, bend your top arm so your hand is behind your head and have your knees slightly bent. Crunch lifting your torso up and bringing your knees up so that your elbow and knees come close together, go back to start position and repeat.
Laying on ground, bring both knees and chest up to center then release and extend body, with torso and legs both extended but still off ground, arms are held outstretched along sides of body parallel to ground and stay in this position throughout movement. Repeat bringing both knees and upper body in and extending both back out.