Bringing out the Burpees Workout and the Burpee Challenge!

This burpees workout is a straight forward workout. 5 rounds of burpees – classic, plain, but never simple, burpees – mixed with wall sits and plank. This is a full body workout, aimed at really working the core and abs muscles with dynamic jumping actions that really boost the metabolism! It’s tough, as burpees always are. But this short, quick and intense workout goes a long way towards giving you a fantastic body!
The Burpee Challenge
This week I am doing a burpee challenge to get back into working out every day. It’s time to step up my game! I’ve been slacking a little since the summer, but feels great to be back hitting up the burpees! I did the workout below yesterday. Pretty straight forward but with a good flow. I am feeling my arms mostly today, but it feels so good to be back into it. Can burpees be addictive? I am now craving more and planning a workout with different burpees in it for today! yay, soon!
Burpees are very effective to build core strength. They also work to build abs muscles, as well as shape legs and arms. All those push ups build great arms, but if you find push ups too hard, do them from your knees. Arm strength builds quickly and you can see progress in just a few days. Modify the burpees from whatever stage you are at to make the workout work for you.
Post on modifying burpees here.
For this burpee workout each round took me close to 2 minutes. So not counting the tiny break I took between each round the workout took me almost 10 minutes to complete.
Here’s the workout:
Bringing out the Burpees Workout
Time challenge workout
Do 5 rounds of the following:
10 Burpees
20 Wall Sit March
20 Plank Knee Dips
Exercise Descriptions
Standing with feet hip width apart, squat down and place hands on ground in front of you, jump legs back into plank position, do a push up, jump legs back in and jump up in the air.
Sit with back against wall and legs and knees at 90 degree angles as if sitting in a chair and lift one leg and then the other as if marching feet but staying in sitting position. Each foot up and down is one rep
Hold plank position on forearms and while holding this position bring one knee down towards ground and bring back up, then bring the other knee down towards ground and bring back up. Continue holding plank and alternating doing knee dips with each leg.
Hope you enjoy it and come workout with me.