Brave Hot Warrior Workout 11 min

This hot warrior workout is 11 minutes of intervals with all bodyweight yoga inspired exercises. These exercises are wonderful to develop better balance, flexibility and work your core muscles. This gives you a deep rooted strength helpful for everyday life, to avoid injuries and give functional strength. The exercises are fun, the flow is great and the time goes by quick. It’s great for all over body toning. It tightens the core and is fabulous especially for shaping legs.
All you need is an interval timer. Read about Gymboss, my favorite timer, or get links to online timers by clicking here.
Brave Hot Warrior Workout
Workout Breakdown
11 minutes of intervals
Set your timer for 12 rounds of 10 seconds rest and 45 seconds work and go through the following 6 exercises twice:
Alternating Runners Lunge to Warrior 3
3 Point Ab Chops
Plough to Star Crunch
3 Pulse Squat to Warrior 3 (3 count)
Alternating Reach Up and Toe Touch Sit Up
Alternating Pigeon Pose (3 count)
Brave Hot Warrior Workout on Video
Exercise Description
Alternating Runners Lunge to Warrior 3
From a high plank position being in one leg and place foot close to or between hands on ground. This is your start position. Place your weight and balance on this forward leg and use it to lift yourself up into a Warrior 3 yoga position, in which your torso and outstretched hands and other leg are all as straight as possible and parallel with the ground. Hold for a second and then come back down to your start position. Jump legs up and switch in the air so that you land with the other leg between hands and come up to Warrior 3 position on this leg as before. Continue with these movements alternating legs for each rep.
Lie back with your mid to lower back on Swiss ball, then extend your arms out with hands held together behind head. Crunch up and bring arms overhead and down between knees, then go back to start position. This is one rep. On the next rep bring arms overhead and down to the right side and back, and for the third rep bring arms down to the left side, continue alternating crunching up and bringing arms over and down to these 3 points.
Lay on your mat and bring your legs up to 90 degrees, then keeping legs straight lift lower legs slowly behind the head, bringing them down as much as is comfortable. Let feet touch the ground behind you if you are able or just bring them back as far as you comfortably can and then bring legs back up to 90 degrees, open legs wide into a V and crunching torso, reach hands close together through open legs as far as possible, then bring arms back to ground and lift legs back into plough position. Continue doing these movements going between plough position and star crunch.
Standing with legs shoulder width apart, go down into a squat position with thighs parallel to the ground and from this position give 3 small pulses, pulsing body up and down holding the squat position for 3 reps. Then place your weight in one leg and come up to standing on that leg and go into Warrior 3 position, in which your torso and outstretched hands and other leg are all as straight as possible and parallel with the ground. Hold for a second and then bring your leg back to the ground and come back to a squat position. Continue with these movements alternating legs in each rep for the Warrior 3 pose.
Alternating Reach Up and Toe Touch Sit Up
Lie on ground with legs straight and wide apart and sit up while raising one hand up towards the ceiling and then reach over with that hand and touch your toes of the opposite side foot, or as close as you can reach towards them. Then lay back down bringing hands back to ground by or above your head and repeat on the other side, sit up and reach your other arm up and then reach over and touch the opposite side toe with fingers and release coming back to start position. Continue with these sit ups alternating reaching up and touching toes, on different sides for each rep.
Start in high plank position and go into pigeon pose by bringing one leg up, bending knee and laying the shin of leg on ground under your torso as perpendicular as possible underneath you and then bring torso down as close to the ground as possible. This position is great for flexibility to open the hips by opening the hip rotators and hip flexor muscles. Stretch arms forward as far as you can go, using your arms to adjust the weight that you put onto your hips. If the stretch is too deep, put more weight into your arms. Stay in this position to a count of 3 and then bring your arms back to the ground under shoulders, lifting hips up from the ground, bring your bent leg back to plank and bring in the opposite leg and repeat movements in a mirror fashion with this leg. Continue with these movements alternating legs for each rep.