Blazing Buns Ugi Workout 15 min

This Ugi workout is a 15 minute workout with new Ugi exercises. This new HIIT workout features the Ugi ball and goes through rounds of 6 different leg and abs exercises in rounds of intervals. High intensity interval training is the fastest and most effective way to shape your body. It has been proven to build muscle while helping you to lose body fat simultaneously better than any other form of training, and I know first hand, and second hand, that this works.
Ugi workouts are not only fun but they are tough too. Ugi exercises often require balance and this requires you to use your stabilizing assisting muscles, which builds core strength. It’s like a heavy pillow ball and quite a unique and interesting piece of equipment to work with. I love mine!
Get Ugi Here
Get your weighted Ugi ball and interval timer, or other home gym equipment here, on my Resource page. Most items on this page are posted with affiliate links and clicking from here will help to support this blog, so thank you in advance! However, I will always provide alternatives to do most workouts either without or with very simple equipment. The items I post are items I have bought and love and want to share with you because I believe in their value. It has gym, kitchen, books, beauty, therapeutic and superfood items as well. All things that us empowered, vibrant and strong superheroes need! Come, check it out & help me to keep this blog going too!
No Ugi?
That’s ok! If you do not have an Ugi most of these exercises can be done using a medicine ball. For the bridge exercise, just do it with your feet on the floor, not raised on Ugi. You will also need a dumbbell or other weight for a few of these exercises. I used a 6 lb. dumbbell, but any weighted object can be substituted. So let’s get at it and let’s do this Ugi workout!
Blazing Buns Ugi Workout
Workout Breakdown
15 minutes of intervals
Set your timer for 18 rounds of 10 secs rest and 40 secs work and go through the following exercises three times:
Cross Ugi Woodchop Squat
Ugi Jump Lunge Twist
Ugi Toe Touch
Weighted Leg Circle Ugi Squat
Weighted Hip Circle Ugi Bridge
Ugi One Leg Toe Touch
Ugi Workout on Video
My Reps
Cross Ugi Woodchop Squat – 16, 16, 16
Ugi Jump Lunge Twist – 15, 15, 14
Ugi Toe Touch – 23, 24, 23
Weighted Leg Circle Ugi Squat – 17, 17, 18
Weighted Hip Circle Ugi Bridge – 15, 14, 15
Ugi One Leg Toe Touch – 24, 23, 24
Ugi Exercise Descriptions
Start standing with feet shoulder width apart, holding Ugi up overhead to one side and in a chop motion bring Ugi down across in front of your body to the other side and low by knees, while still squatting down bring Ugi over to the outside of the opposite knee and then swing Ugi up diagonally to the and overhead while coming up from the squat. This is one rep. For the next rep reverse the movements so that after this rep you end up in your start position. Continue alternating sides for each rep.
Start in lunge position with Ugi held at stomach area just in front of you. Do a jump lunge, jumping up and switching leg positions, so that forward leg is now back and back leg is now in front, then hold out Ugi in front of you and swing it to the side of the forward lunging leg, so ball is kept parallel to floor. Bring ball back to front. This is one rep. Jump again switching feet and swing ball out to the other side, always to the same side as the forward leg and continue these movements alternating sides for each rep.
Lay on mat and bring legs up so they are at 90 degrees with soles of feet facing ceiling, hands are overhead holding onto Ugi at ground, crunch up torso and bring Ugi up to touch toes and then lower torso and Ugi back to the ground. This is one rep.
Standing just in front of Ugi with a dumbbell or weight in one hand, squat down so that your behind touches Ugi and bring dumbbell down and around the calf of one leg and then come up out of squat. For the next rep take dumbbell in opposite hand and bring it around the calf of the opposite leg and then come up. Continue doing these movements and alternating sides for each rep.
Weighted Hip Circle Ugi Bridge
Start lying on the ground with knees bend and with feet raised up on Ugi, which is in close to body, and hold a dumbbell in front of you at navel area.Lift hips up into bridge position and take dumbbell in one hand and bring it under the body switching hands and bringing it back to navel area as you lower hips back to ground. For the next rep switch hands and bring dumbbell around your hips in the other direction while your hips are raised in bridge. Lower coming back to start position and continue these movements alternating sides for each rep
Lay on ground with legs straight and flat on ground and arms also held out straight behind head holding onto Ugi. Lift one leg and at the same time lift Ugi up and touch Ugi to toe, and then return both back to start position. Repeat lifting up the opposite leg, touch toe to Ugi and return to ground. Continue alternating lifting right and left legs for each rep.