Pumpkin seeds
Pumpkin seeds are one of the most nutritious seeds and have been hailed for ages by American aboriginal people for their medicinal and health properties.
About – Pumpkin seeds also called pepita, meaning seed in Spanish. They are flat, dark green seeds inside a white hull but are usually found unhulled, without the white encasing. These subtly sweet and nutty tasting seeds are one of the most nutritious seeds and come from the inside of pumpkins or other cultivars of squash.
Nutrition – One of the most nutritious seeds, the pumpkin seed is high in protein and provides a good supply of omega3 and omega6 essential fatty acids. They are a good source of minerals, abundant in iron and high as well in magnesium, phosphorous, manganese, potassium, copper and zinc. The high tryptophan content of pumpkin seeds have been of interest to researchers studying anxiety disorders. They are claimed to be a preventative measure against the onset of anxiety attacks, depression and other mood disorders. Of all nuts and seeds, pumpkin seed have the highest level of phytosterols, which is reputed for its cholesterol-lowering properties.