Goji berries

Goji berries are extremely high in anti-oxidants and are noted to be one of the most important herbs in Traditional Chinese Medicine.
About – Goji berries, aka wolfberries, are a species of the boxthorn family and native to southeastern Europe and Asia. Goji berries grow on deciduous woody perennial plants, which grow from 1-3 meters tall. The berries are 1-2 cm long and bright orange-red. They ripen between July and October but are often sold dried.
Nutrition – Goji Berries are very rich in nutrients and contain 6 essential vitamins and 22 trace dietary minerals. They are especially high in: beta carotene, B2, vitamin C, calcium, potassium, iron, zinc, selenium. They are claimed to be the world’s richest food source of carotenoid and ancient Chinese medical texts praise them as tonic support for the eyes, liver, and kidneys. But more than anything, they are believed to increase the “chi” or life energy in those that eat them. A regular consumption of gojis will regulate the flow of vital energy, which can lead to longevity. They not only replenish vital essences but also strengthen and help to restore major organs.
The polysaccharides in goji berries have been found to be anti-inflammatory, and as well they stimulate and strengthen the immune system. Gojis are used to aid in digestion and to treat insomnia. They are also known to increase stamina, boost sexual libido and enhance fertility.