Flax seeds

Flax seeds are the richest source of EFA’s -omega fatty acids and lignans (potent cancer fighters) known in nature.
About – Flax seed, aka linseed, comes from a four foot tall annual plant with slender green leaves and pale blue flowers, native from the eastern Mediterranean to India. Flax is grown both for its seeds and for its fibers, which is used to make fabric, paper and many products. Flax seeds come in brown and golden varieties, which have a similar light, nutty taste and a broad and highly beneficial nutritional profile.
Nutrition – Flax is known for its immune-enhancing omega fatty acids 3, 6, and 9, perfectly balanced with the combination our bodies require for optimal health. Flaxseeds are loaded with vitamins, including most of the B complex vitamins and also abundant in vitamin E, a powerful antioxidant. Its minerals include: magnesium, potassium, calcium, manganese, iron and selenium. Flax contains plenty of phytonutrients and is an excellent source of fiber and protein, containing most of the amino acids needed daily. They are great for cardiovascular health. The soluble fiber in flax is helpful in lowering blood cholesterol levels, as well as lowering and stabilizing blood sugar levels. Flax’s alpha linolenic acid promotes a healthy functioning of the immune system and its high concentration of lignans are so beneficial in balancing hormones that they have been proposed as an alternative to hormone-replacement therapy. A daily dietary intake of flaxseed offers protection against bone loss and may increase bone density, reducing the risk of osteoporosis. Flax is helpful for weight management as it expands five times in bulk when ingested, so it helps to make you feel full sooner.