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Cayenne acts as a catalyst and increases the effectiveness of other foods and herbs taken with it. Cayenne has been used medicinally for centuries and has many health benefits. It is beneficial to the whole digestive system as well as the heart and circulatory systems.

About – Cayenne is a red, hot chili pepper used as a herbal supplement and as a popular spice in a variety of cuisines. The cayenne pepper is generally dried and ground, to make the powdered spice of the same name. Most cultivated varieties of cayenne grow on plants that are two to four feet high and can be grown in a variety of locations. They prefer warm, moist, nutrient-rich soil in a warm climate.

Nutrition – Cayenne pepper is high in beta carotene or vitamin A, riboflavin, vitamin C, E and in the minerals potassium and manganese. However, due to the small amount typically consumed in a serving, it makes a very small contribution to our overall dietary intake of these nutrients. What cayenne is mostly known for is its capsaicin, which amongst other things is claimed to be a male aphrodisiac and which increases blood flow to all parts of the human body. Also because of its capsaicin it is used as a natural fat burner and can increase metabolism by as much as 25 percent. It improves circulation and can be used for Raynauds disease and to prevent heart disease. Cayenne is also used as a natural pain killer with anti-inflammatory properties. Cayenne may be used internally or externally to treat arthritis, bunions, psoriasis, and muscle and joint pain. Cayenne boosts the immune system, aids in digestion and is used to treat ulcers, It is used as a tonic for the heart, kidneys, lungs, pancreas, spleen and stomach and used to treat herpes, shingles, rheumatism and psoriasis.

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