Best Hangover Remedy Recipe and Tips on Drinking

I am about to share what I think is the best hangover remedy recipe there is! Of course, the best remedy is not drinking, but I am talking about a really awesome, incredible, amazing, best hangover remedy recipe for that occasion when you went all out and now you need to recover fast. Surprisingly I have gotten asked a lot in emails about my views on drinking, and here I am going to share them with you.
To Drink or Not to Drink
Is drinking healthy? I get asked this a lot and my answer is: No. Alcohol is toxic to just about every organ and major system in the body. Over consumption does the most harm to the body and leads to most processes of the body being unbalanced. However, drinking in moderation is not so bad, especially if countered by healthy eating to counter balance it. What you drink makes a difference as well. A glass of red wine now and again is known to be healthy and provides antioxidants. Drinking is a big part of our culture and so if you cannot stay away from alcohol, then you should find your healthiest balance and approach it with knowledge.
Drinking Tips, to Avoid a Hangover
The only way to really avoid a hangover is not to drink. But of you must drink, then here are some tips to help you stay headache free. If, however, you completely don’t take my advice, there is the Best Hangover Remedy Recipe below to help you recover!
Eat a full meal before drinking. This will slow down the absorption of alcohol. Carbs and fatty foods are best as they increase this effect. Eating beforehand decreases the chance of your stomach getting irritated from drinking and so lessens the chance of the drinker vomiting from over consumption.
Eat nutritious foods before drinking. Frequent urination leads to you losing lots of vitamins and you will want to keep your vitamin level high.
Best drink choice? Drink organic red wine. This would be your healthiest choice, followed by organic white.
If you are drinking spirits, stick to white clean spirits, like vodka and have fresh squeezed juice as a base. Fresh squeezed tastes better too!
Drink a glass of water between each drink. This keeps the body hydrated and gives the body more time to process the alcohol. It dilutes the toxins and washes them out of the body most effectively. It also lessens stomach irritation.
Stick to one drink. Mixing drinks makes the body work harder. It puts more toxins in the body and often leads to a bigger hangover as the body has a harder time eliminating the toxic overload.
For the morning after, be warned: coffee and tea will further dehydrate the body so stay away, or drink in moderation. The caffeine rush may feel good momentarily but it does more damage and soon after you will feel worse. Best to avoid these as much as possible.
What to drink?
Beer has a lower alcohol percentage, but it is carbonated and so the toxins get absorbed quicker, which is not good.
White wine will give you less of a hangover than red wine, because it has less congeners in it. Cheap wine will generally give you more of a hangover for the same reason. I have noticed that very expensive red wines often don’t leave a hangover at all, or at least much less of one than less expensive ones.
As liquor has a higher alcohol level, it will leave you with a hangover sooner. Your safest bets are to stick to the clear liquors like vodka, gin and white rum for less of a hangover. Dark liquors like dark rum, scotch and bourbon have more congeners and so lead to more of a hangover. And it is the same as with wine that the more expensive liquors generally lead to less of a hangover than the cheaper ones.
Ingredients of the Best Hangover Remedy, and Why
Water – The secret to many hangover remedies is water. Often you need to take water with the pill or potion and it is usually the water that is doing the miracle. Water is the best ingredient to help get rid of a hangover. You need to wash that alcohol out of your system. Howevere, there are of course, other ingredients that are going to help you along.
Banana – Potassium. Also, banana is a natural antacid that helps with nausea.
Coconut Water – best natural known source of electrolytes.
Apple – fiber and natural sugars. Fructose from fruit is a healthy form of sugar that will helps the body to recover, to gain energy and strength. Studies have proven it also increase the rate that the body gets rid of toxins. Also the vitamins and minerals in fruit helps to replenish those depleted from the previous drinking.
Orange – Vitamin C. Vit C is a water soluble vitamin that gets washed out of the body easily. If you have a hangover you are likely depleted and it is beneficial to have it in the body to help eliminate toxins. Dose up.
Berries – High in vitamins, minerals and many nutrients. These will help get your body back in balance and functioning well again, beneficial for numerous reasons.
Spinach and other Green Leafy Vegetables – high vitamin and mineral content to replace lost nutrients, especially the B vitamins. B vitamins are the feel good vitamins and are essential as they regulate the metabolic processes in the body. A B vitamin deficiency can lead to fatigue and an inability to deal with stress. To alleviate a hangover it is important to replenish B vitamins and a vegetarians best source is with green leafy vegetables.
Oats (or an egg white for non-vegans) – cysteine, which helps the body break down and get rid of acetaldehyde, the hangover causing toxin. Cysteine is a major component of glutathione, a potent antioxidant found in all human tissues, but with highest concentrations in the liver. It is easily depleted from the liver, and so oats will help to clean up the remnant toxins.
Himalayan Salt – will help to balance homeostasis in the body.
Cayenne – makes the cells more receptive and open to receive nutrients and benefits of the other ingredients and increases the effectiveness of them.
Best Hangover Remedy
2 cups packed of Spinach, or other green leafy vegetables
1 Banana
1 Apple
1 Orange
¾ cup Mixed Berries
½ cup Oats
1 cup Coconut Water, or water
dash of Himalayan Salt
dash of Cayenne
Blend the above ingredients. While it’s blending, drink a glass of water. Then after blending, drink the Best Hangover Remedy Shake. Drink another glass of water.
Get lots of rest, if possible, and soon you will find yourself feeling much better!