The Abundant Benefits of Beets and Down to Earth Green Juice

I love beets. Mostly I love their magnificent, deep, vibrant, intense color. Filled with special abundant healing and health properties, beets are a great vegetable to add to your green juicing ingredients. I am posting yesterday’s Down to Earth Green Juice recipe below along with my juicing pics, and also great info to get you excited also about beets too!
Today I am going to juice beets again, along with kale, apple and ginger and will have that recipe to share with you tomorrow! but first..
The Benefits of Beets
Beets are wildly nutritious and have many health benefits. Read on to get excited about beets!
Beets are an aphrodisiac. Yes, it’s true. One of the first known uses of beets was as an aphrodisiac, discovered and used by the ancient Romans. Science confirms that they really do have aprodisiac powers. It is the boron, found in high amounts in beets, that is directly related to the production of human sex hormones, that gives them this effect. Wow!
Beets have a natural sugar that gives lots of energy. They also contain zero fat and are very low calorie. Beets are great for weight loss. They will satiate hunger, as well as your sweet tooth, without harming your body!
Beets have a high nutritional profile and are especially high in iron and B vitamins, which many of us want. B vitamins are known as the ‘feel-good vitamins’. They boost our mood and naturally make us feel happier and more optimistic. Beets also contain betaine, a substance used in treatments for depression, and tryptophan, a substance also found in chocolate that relaxes the mind and creates a sense of well-being.
Beets are a great and intense natural detoxifying substance. Beets are especially good for the liver and beet juice makes a wonderful liver tonic.
Beets contain folic acid, a substance needed for the production of new cells. This is especially important for pregnant women and anyone undergoing physical healing.
Medical studies have also shown that beets guard against cancer, especially colon cancer.
The juice of beets is one of the richest sources of antioxidants of all foods.
The deep red betalains in beets have been shown to reduce chronic inflammation. Beets have powerful anti-inflammatory benefits.
Beets are also is the highest natural source of nitrates. These natural nitrates helps to improve the blood flow throughout the body, brain, heart and all of the organs and muscles of the body. They also help to open up the vessels to allow more oxygen into the bloodstream and deliver it throughout the body. Beet juice has also been shown to increase stamina and is great for athletes. Better blood flow and more oxygen helps the body to respond better to exercise.
This helps also to reduce blood pressure. Beets are known to be extremely heart healthy. They contain abundant blood building and blood purifying agents.
Let’s make juice!
Down to Earth Green Juice
4 Swiss Chard leaves
2 cups Spinach
½ Cucumber
2 Beets
1 Carrot
Juicing Photos
Get ingredients together and ready.
..and then juice!
Now I get to practice a little food photography.
..and then drink! Mmm, I love my juice!