Before Your Cleanse

By being prepared before your cleanse, you will be better able to relax and enjoy and allow your body to go through its healing and detoxification process more effectively.
Tips to get you ready for your cleanse
Clean and straighten up your environment. I encourage you to get rid of older and unused items that you have around that you no longer use. It is easy to let things accumulate but it always feels good to get rid of superfluous objects. A clean and clear Zen environment will create a more beneficial surrounding by creating a calm and peaceful energy.
Prepare by finding a good relaxation audio that you like and will enjoy listening to during your cleanse. Find good yoga or stretching videos that you enjoy and have them on hand, or bookmarked if online, to watch and follow along with.
If you don’t already have, consider buying a relaxing essential oil blend or a bottle of Sandalwood or Lavender oil, both of which have relaxing, peaceful and calming effects.
Book a massage during your cleanse. Or if you are doing your cleanse with a partner this would be a great time to practise giving massages. Do some research on new techniques and buy some massage oil scented with essential oils.
Avoid drinking tap water and opt instead for filtered or mineral water. Fresh spring water, if you can find it or get it, is ideal.
The week before
Check over the recipes suggested for the Cleanse. Make any dehydrated ones that can be made beforehand and make a grocery list of the other items you will need while on the Cleanse.
Two days before
Start eating more whole fresh plant foods: fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds. Try to especially eat more vegetables, green ones being most optimal, whether raw or cooked.
Cut down on wheat, dairy, meat, caffeine (tea and coffee), sugar, salt and all processed food items. Avoid alcohol and nicotine. Do this for 2 days before and especially the day before.
The day before
Go grocery shopping. Stock up on everything you will need if you are doing the 2 day cleanse, and get most of what you will need for a 5 day cleanse. You may want to go buy more fresh produce mid cleanse for the 5 Day Cleanse
For the 5 Day Green Cleanse – there are 4 recipes to make today. See Recipes for the 5 Day Cleanse (coming soon).
For the 2 Day Green Cleanse – you can make the Broccoli Salad (recipe coming soon), or wait and make it fresh tomorrow, while you are on the cleanse. The Broccoli Salad stays well in the fridge for up to 5 days.
Continue eating lots of plant based foods, especially vegetables, and cut back or mostly off of grains, animal products, caffeine, nicotine and alcohol.
The evening before
Eat a light meal, such as a salad, a vegetable stir fry or a vegetable soup.
Have a relaxing bath and go to bed early.
Feel great that you are doing a wonderful thing for you, and so that you can be a better person for those around you!
note: this will be updated later with links and recipes