Battling Burpees Workout est 20 min

This new burpee workout is a time challenge and has 5 different types of burpees in it. The last 3 types are ones I am doing for the first time. Fun new burpees that are set around ab crunch exercises done with a medicine ball. You can use a different weight, like a dumbbell, water bottle, or just use body weight if you don’t have a medicine ball. There are some really fun exercises in here and I hope you enjoy the workout.
I love new burpees! ..and I found a couple of these tough. I really need to practise the 3 kick burpees. I loved them but it was challenging to keep balance coming out of the burpees with the kicks, and the same with the supergirl burpees. Supergirl (superman) exercises are always a challenge with balance for me.. but practice makes perfect! ..and we are on this, right? right! So get ready for the burpee challenge and see how fast you can move through this workout.
I did this in 19 minutes and 34 seconds.
Battling Burpees Workout
Workout Breakdown
Time challenge
10 180 Degree Burpees
30 Sit Ups with Ball Pass
10 Hop Over Knee Tuck Burpees
30 3 Point Ab Choppers with medicine ball
10 Supergirl Burpees
30 One Leg Suitcase Crunches with medicine ball
10 3 Kick Burpees
30 One Leg Toe Touch with medicine ball
10 Squatting Burpees
30 Sit Ups with medicine ball
Workout on Video
Exercise Descriptions
Standing with feet hip width apart, squat down and place hands on the ground in front of you, jump legs back into plank position, do a push up and then jump legs back in and jump up turning 180 degrees. Now from this position, facing the opposite direction, do another burpee in the same manner. Continue jumping 180 degrees for the end jump of each burpee and alternating directions for each rep.
Standing with feet hip width apart, squat down and place hands on ground in front of you, jump legs back into plank position, do a push up and then do 2 knee tucks, one with left leg, one with right leg, then jump legs back in and jump up and sideways to the left (or right) and then do another burpee in the same manner. For next one jump back to start position and continue doing burpees jumping to alternate sides for each rep. For more challenge add a push up to each burpee.
Standing with feet hip width apart, squat down and place hands on ground in front of you, jump legs back into plank position, do a push up, then extend one arm straight out in front of you while at the same time lifting and extending opposite side leg out straight behind. Hold this position for a second or two and then release coming back into plank position, jump legs back in and jump up in the air.
Stand, squat down and place hands on floor in front of you and jump back to plank, do a push up and then jump legs in half way so that you are in a pike position with hips up high and then kick both legs up together so that feet come up close to bum and then when feet come down come up to standing and then with right leg do a side kick lifting leg and kicking out to the side as high as you can, then bring leg in and do a front kick, kicking right leg up high and come back to standing. This is one rep. For the next rep repeat movements and do the side kick and the front kick with the left leg and continue with the burpees, alternating the leg that you kick with for each rep.
Stand with legs hip width apart and squat down, then come up and squat again, come up and squat a third time and this time in the squat reach over and place hands on floor in front of you, jump back to plank, do a push up and then jump legs back in and jump up in the air.
Lie back with knees bent, feet on floor, holding medicine ball overhead, sit up and pass ball around one leg, lie back bringing ball back overhead and repeat circling ball around other leg, continue alternating sides.
3 Point Ab Choppers with medicine ball
Lying with back flat on ground, with knees bent and feet on ground and with arms outstretched behind head and hands holding onto medicine ball, sit up and bring ball high overhead and down to the right side to ground, keeping arms outstretched throughout movement. Then reverse movement bringing torso back to ground and ball back overhead. This is one rep. On the next rep bring ball down between legs towards ground and for the third rep bring down ball to the left side, continue alternating bringing ball down to these 3 points.
One Leg Suitcase Crunch with medicine ball
Lie flat on mat or ground with legs straight on floor and arms behind head holding onto Medicine ball, bring one knee in to chest while raising torso, crunching abs and bringing the medicine ball over knee towards feet, then reverse movements bringing leg back to ground and medicine ball back overhead. Continue these movements alternating legs for each rep.
One Leg Toe Touch with medicine ball
Lying on mat with legs flat on ground and arms outstretched overhead near ground holding onto medicine ball, lift one leg and arms up simultaneously, touch toe with medicine ball and then return arms and leg back down to ground and repeat lifting the opposite leg and alternate legs for each rep.
Lying on mat with legs and knees bent, feet on ground, hold a medicine ball in hands above your head close to ground, then sit up and bring ball forward and touch ball to the ground between your feet. Then reverse movements back to start position. This is one rep.
Have a great workout!