Battling Burpees Workout again!

I recently did a burpee challenge and it had me revisiting some previous burpee workouts that I really liked. This burpees workout is a time challenge workout that took me almost 20 minutes to get through. I love the ab exercises it alternates with the burpee exercises. This burpee workout alternates 5 types of burpee exercises with some awesome medicine ball ab exercises. Its a dynamic full body workout and I find these burpee workouts are the best for chiseling a tight, lean muscular body.
I love burpees, because they work. They are tough, especially if you are not used to doing them. But you will find that strength builds quickly. ..and doing burpees is the best way I know of to see your body magically changing before your eyes.
So, get out your timers and join me with some dynamic exercises, that make this workout fun, quick and really work to shape and tone the body.
Battling Burpees Workout
Time challenge workout. See how long it takes you to get through the following exercises.
10 180 Degree Burpees
30 Sit Ups with Ball Pass
10 Hop Over Knee Tuck Burpees
30 3 Point Ab Choppers with Ball
10 Supergirl Burpees
30 One Leg Suitcase Crunches
10 3 Kick Burpees
30 One Leg Toe Touch with Ball
10 Squatting Burpees
30 Sit Ups with Medicine Ball
How to do the exercises?
Check out the exercise descriptions and see the video here.
Or go straight to YouTube here.