Awesome All Over Full Body Workout 12 min

This 12 minute full body workout is an HIIT workout with bodyweight exercises done in intervals. It is one straight round of intervals and you go through each of the exercises two times until the final beep of the timer. The exercises alternate dynamic with static exercises that target different areas of the body. This is a great all over body toning workout to get in when you have a busy day. Only 12 minutes and you cover a lot of body strengthening, metabolism boosting territory.
All you need for this workout is an interval timer. Check out gymboss timers here, and there are also links for online timers by clicking this link as well.
Awesome All Over Full Body Workout
Workout Breakdown
Set your timer for 16 rounds of 10 seconds rest and 35 seconds work and go through the following 8 exercises twice:
3 x 3 Pulse Squats to Push Up
One Arm Lift left
One Arm Lift – right
Walking Push Ups to Tuck Jump
X Lift Hold
Back Lift, Butt Squeeze
Alternating Toe Touch
Plough Leg Raises
Awesome All Over Full Body Workout on Video
My Reps
3 x 3 Pulse Squats to Push Up – 2.5, 2.5
One Arm Lift left – 6, 6
One Arm Lift – right – 6, 6
Walking Push Ups to Tuck Jump – 3, 3
X Lift Hold – n/a
Back Lift, Butt Squeeze – 9, 10
Alternating Toe Touch – 16, 18
Plough Leg Raises – 13, 12
Exercise Descriptions
Start with legs in a wide stance and with feet pointing out, squat down so legs are parallel with ground, squeeze the glutes and pulse 3 times, just raising and lowering a little for each pulse. Then come up and repeat doing these 3 pulse squats 3 times. Next place hands on the ground in front of you, jump legs back to plank position and do a push up. Jump legs in and come up to standing. This is one rep.
Lie flat on ground with legs apart, put one hand on ground close to shoulder area and place the other on your butt. Press with arm of the hand on ground to lift upper body and then hips high up. Reverse movement to come back down to start position. Alternate arm positions for each rep.
From push up position, take a step to one side with one hand and foot on the same side and do a push up, walk hands and legs a step over again and do another push up, jump in and up to standing and do a tuck jump by jumping up in the air as high as you can, bringing knees up to your chest and touch tucked knees with hands at highest point of jump.
Lie on ground with straight legs out in a wide leg positon and arms out wide held behind head with straight arms and then lift legs and arms off the ground simultaneously and hold in this position for interval period.
Lie face down on mat with legs straight and arms held straight out in front of body and then simultaneously lift legs and squeeze glute muscles while bringing arms back, elbows bent and pushing them behind, arching back and lifting shoulders off ground as much as possible. Then release and go back to start position. This is one rep. Continue with these movements for interval period.
Lying on mat with legs flat on ground and arms outstretched overhead near ground, lift one leg and arms and touch toe with the opposite side hand (left foot with right hand, right foot with left hand) and then return arms and leg back down to ground and repeat lifting the opposite leg and alternate legs for each rep.|
Lay on your mat and bring your legs up and knees into chest, raising your back and hips up, straighten your legs as your back comes up and lower legs slowly behind the head, bringing them down just as much as is comfortable. Let feet touch the ground behind you if you are able or just bring them back as far as you comfortably can and then lift your legs and lower them, feeling a stretch in legs, especially the hamstrings and back. Take this exercise slowly and listen to your body. Stop and slowly come back to lying if you feel any discomfort.