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Plank Hip Dips – Hold plank position on forearms and while holding this position swivel torso to one side bringing hip down toward floor, then go back to plank and next swivel torso in the opposite direction bringing your other hip down to the other side and continue doing hip dips alternating sides in this manner while holding plank. || Read more

T Push up – Do a regular push up and then turn into side plank position and extend top arm straight up to ceiling, hold a second and come back to plank, alternate sides for each rep. Each push up is one rep. || Read more

Mountain Climbers – Get into high plank (push up) position, then bring one leg in towards chest, bending knee and with foot on ground; this is your start position. Simultaneously jump the bent forward leg back and the back leg forward alternating and jumping legs back and forth while keeping torso of body as straight as possible while performing these movements. Each time a leg jumps forward counts as one rep. || Read more

Bodyweight Squats – Stand with legs shoulder width apart and squat down so that thighs are parallel with ground and then come back up to standing. Throughout the movement keep weight on the heel of the foot. Make sure that your knee never goes beyond toe. Most of your weight will be in back, so lean forward or reach out arms to counter the weight. || Read more

Plank Twist Overs – Get into high plank (push up) position, then lift one hand off ground and keeping that arm straight bring it around, up overhead and reach over as far as you can towards the other side, then reverse the movements bringing your arm back to the ground. Repeat on the other side by lifting the other hand and swinging that arm around, up overhead and over towards the other side and then bringing it back to the ground keeping arm straight throughout movements. Continue in this manner alternating arms for each rep.

Plank Walk Out with Knee Tucks — From standing bend over at the waist so that hands touch the floor and walk hands out to plank position, do two knee tucks, one with each leg, and then walk arms back in, stand up and repeat. || Read more

Sleeping Crab exercise – Lie flat on ground on mat, then lift yourself up in crab position with one arm and opposite leg, touch the unsupporting hand and foot up high over body and then return them to ground. This is one rep. Continue repeating moves on same side unless it is indicated to alternate. || Read more