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2 Side Lunge Burpees exercise – Stand, squat down, hands on floor and jump back to plank, do a push up and jump legs in, come up to standing. From standing position, step your right foot further out to the right side and do a side lunge, the right (outer) leg is bent and your left leg stays straight, then step back to center. Then step out with the left leg to the left and do a lunge with this leg in the same manner and then come back to your start position. This is one rep. || Read more

Ugi Jump Lunge Twist – Start in lunge position with Ugi held at stomach area just in front of you. Do a jump lunge, jumping up and switching leg positions, so that forward leg is now back and back leg is now in front, then hold out Ugi in front of you and swing it to the side of the forward lunging leg, so ball is kept parallel to floor. Bring ball back to front. This is one rep. Jump again switching feet and swing ball out to the other side, always to the same side as the forward leg and continue these movements alternating sides for each rep. || Read more

Walk Out to 2 Side Plank Dips exercise – From standing bend over at hips so hands touch floor and walk hands out to plank position, turn to side plank position, body supported with one arm and put the other hand behind head with elbow towards ceiling. Do 2 side plank dips but bringing hips down to the ground and back up twice, turn back to high plank (push up) position and then walk arms back in and stand up. This is one rep. || Read more

Cross Ugi Woodchop Squat – Start standing with feet shoulder width apart, holding Ugi up overhead to one side and in a chop motion bring Ugi down across in front of your body to the other side and low by knees, while still squatting down bring Ugi over to the outside of the opposite knee and then swing Ugi up diagonally to the and overhead while coming up from the squat. This is one rep. For the next rep reverse the movements so that after this rep you end up in your start position. Continue alternating sides for each rep. || Read more

One Leg Mountain Climbers – Get into high plank (push up) position, then bring one leg in towards chest, bending knee and with foot off ground; this is your start position and this leg will stay up off the ground throughout the exercise. Jump the supporting foot up towards hands and then back to its start position and continue jumping back and forth on the one leg while holding up the other. Each jump forward counts as one rep. || Read more

3 Point Knee Tuck Push ups – Get into push up position and do 3 knee tucks, bringing one knee out to the side toward its same side elbow, the a regular knee tuck towards chest and then an oblique knee tuck bringing knee towards the opposite side elbow, then do a push up. For the next rep do the same 3 knee tucks with the opposite leg and then a push up. Continue doing 3 knee tucks and then a push up alternating legs doing the knee tucks for each rep. || Read more

2 Side Frog Hops to Tuck Jump – Start standing with wide legs and squat down touching fingers to the ground between legs, jump up and to the side coming down in the same wide squat position and touch ground again between legs, then jump again to the side in the same direction in the same manner touching ground and then do a tuck jump by jumping up in the air as high as you can, bringing knees up to your chest and touch tucked knees with hands at highest point of jump. This is one rep. For the next rep repeat movements but go back in the opposite direction so you end up in your start position. Continue doing 2 side frog jumps and a tuck jump alternating jumping from left to right for each rep. || Read more