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We have mountains of snow out our window right now and so I am whisking you away to work up a tropical sweat with this new sandbag workout. This awesome 3 part workout has an amrap challenge (amrap = as many reps as possible), and interval round and a sandbag sit up finale. This full body workout gives you a great metabolism boost while building muscle. It is great for all over body toning, slimming, tightening while still building functional strength. || Read more

After tons of researching, recently I finally made my own incredibly luxurious, homemade, all natural face cream. I am in heaven with it and have been slathering it not only on my face but my whole body. This stuff is incredible. It’s made with high end ingredients, but totally affordable. || Read more

My inspiration for this oatmeal, coconut date cookies recipe was wanting a sweet cookie with a baked feeling but made with my rawkalicious cookie base. I am always looking for a use for my left over alomnd pulp from making almond milk, so I used this, but you can use ground almonds, or almond meal. || Read more

This core tightening and strengthening full body workout has 3 parts and is made up of all bodyweight exercises. It takes about 18 minutes to complete and moves fast alternating exercises in each of the 3 parts. || Read more

Hypnosis audios are used by many as they are an effective way to achieve your goals and dreams. With hypnosis audios you are put into a daydream-like state, alert but in a state where the external stimuli around you is tuned out so that you are very focused on the subject at hand. || Read more

I am so excited to share this raw spinach dip with you and I know that you are going to love it too! I have got this dip down. This is very close to that spinach dip that get’s served with pumpernickel bread. That was my inspiration, although it feels like a lifetime ago since I have tasted it. But regardless, this raw spinach dip was so delicious that it just disappeared. It was a hit around here and I hope you love it as much too! || Read more

This time challenge workout works its way up in reps adding 10 reps for each round of exercises. Burpees get the heart rate up and leads into 3 squat and lunge leg exercises, followed by 3 abs exercises, which target all abdominal muscles, hitting the upper, lower and inner abs. The last 3 are cardio exercises. Get through these exercises as fast as you can, keeping good form. This awesome legs, butt and abs workout gives a metabolism boost that will have you burning fat for many hours after.