Antarctica, Christmas and Stress Recovery

Ok, I am going to blast a post off with lots of cold weather pictures and then that’s it for me.. it’s all tropical rain forests and beaches in my mind for the next month! Maybe if I post enough cold weather pics I’ll come to grips with – the fact that I live in Canada – and that it is winter. sigh. I love our country but I seriously don’t think that many people really want to be here in the middle of the winter. I guess it’s because of family that we stay ..but really I don’t think humans were designed for these extreme cold temperatures. This is crazy. Well, grab your parka and bundle up.. we’re diving in. But right after this post, or maybe right after Christmas, that’s it – I’m hitting the hot tub, defrosting and hibernating to a cozy retreat in my mind where the sand is toasty and the sun is beaming down on me in a bikini.
Hey! Lots of people from other countries want to come to Canada. Maybe we could strike up a deal with another tropical country. Like, let’s say Jamaica. The Jamaicans can become Canadian and then they can come here and we can go live there. Of course we won’t all fit. But maybe they will let me go for coming up with the awesome idea! & I’ll strike up a deal that you and my family can come too! 😉
Have Fun Now!
Smile, from the inside out. Let yourself be infused with peaceful happy thoughts and Radiate happiness.
Happiness comes of the capacity to feel deeply, to enjoy simply, to think freely, to risk life, to be needed” ~Storm Jameson
Best stress busters: Breathing deep (this helps just about everything!) & I mean slow and deep, not hyperventilating 😉 ..and a walk out in nature, or as close as you can get to it, will bring stress levels down quickly. Sometimes the best solutions are the simplest.. the key is to remember them when we most need them.
More great advice: Drink water and avoid sugar as much as possible. If you feel you really need something sweet, go for fresh fruit. You can sometimes avoid going for the sweets, which are so abundant at this time of year, by having a banana first. That’s my strategy lately.
This Christmas is really interesting in that this year I am making less money than I can ever remember, having given up my full time job to come stay with my mom, but at the same time, I feel the most abundant. It’s a very strange thing, but the really interesting thing is that now I am thinking that I am not alone in this. The third person lately just said the exact same thing to me (and more have expressed this sentiment) and that is “I really don’t want much for Christmas, I feel like I have everything I need.” ..and this is coming from both people with money and without. Everyone I talk to lately has this incredible feeling of abundance.
Is it something in the air? Maybe the world really is coming to an end? What is going on? I find this really interesting
It’s not what you look at that matters, it’s what you see.” ~ Henry David Thoreau
I loved this message from the Universe ( – great abundance attraction tip:
“During the merriment of your retail adventures, Robin, should you ever have to ask the clerk, “How much?” always follow their reply with raised eyebrows, a slight gasp, and a disbelieving, “That’s all?”
Today is a strange day.. nothing seems to be getting done. As much as I am trying to be productive, it just doesn’t seem to be in the cards. I am old enough to realize that there are just going to be days like this. I tried to produce part 1 of my Pad Thai recipe 3 times since yesterday and still didn’t get it uploaded. I was up at 4 am re-editing it to see if another strategy would work. I gave up and made my workout video and the same thing happened. But I just got 3rd time lucky and just now it finished successfully, as I write. Some days are just like that.
It helps to not get stressed about it if we realize that. that’s life. ..and just go make ourselves a drink. ..healthy of course, see below!
Holiday Stress Buster Hot Chocolate Recipe
Heat up a cup of almond milk (or to be quicker just add hot water to almond milk) and then pour hot milk into blender and add:
1 Tbsp Maca
1 Tbsp Cacao
1 Tbsp Honey or Agave
and optional: vanilla, cinnamon or nutmeg
Maca is a major mood enhancer, as is Cacao.. drink and watch the stress go down and happiness and calm go up. It works and it’s Delicious! Enjoy!!
Warming Cleansing Soothe the Soul Ginger Lemon Tea
Juice of 1 Lemon
¼ inch of Ginger sliced
1 tsp Honey
opt. a few Goji Berries
Put these ingredients in a cup and add hot water and enjoy!! It’s good for the soul and for digestion.
Awesome Rejeuvenating Spirit Lifting Energy Boosting Green Juice
3 big Kale Leaves
a bunch of Spinach
half a head of Romaine
a cup of Pineapple (or a half Lemon peeled and seeded)
1 Apple
a half inch of Ginger
Juice all together, drink and feel your spirit and energy level rise.
And in the end, it turns out I did get a lot done. The tree is decorated, gifts are wrapped and shipped out on time, everyone here is happy. Life is good.
Happy Holidays!!
Smiles and Love to you from our home to yours!
Photos of the Alaska, the Arctic and Antarctic are by David Schultz and were found here