Amazing 4 Minute Metabolism Booster Workout
posted by Robin on Metabolism Booster Workouts - under 10 minutes

This is the first workout in a series of 26 – under 10 minute – metabolism booster – workouts. It is body weight based ,so you don’t need any equipment, only yourself. This workout, like many of the workouts I do is done in intervals. Click the link in the workout description below to find out more about intervals timers and for links to online timers. These types of exercises and workouts are very effective to lose weight and sculpt the body. They work! I just turned 49 and find that they are ideal for women in their 40’s, especially as our metabolism starts to slow down. These workouts keep it revved up and our bodies functioning optimally. But really they are great for men and women of any age.
I love to have variety, both so that the muscles don’t adapt to the routine but mostly to keep me entertained, challenged and motivated . This workout has 6 great classic body weight exercises and you can easily make the workout longer by doing more rounds. Give it a try and join me in the fun!
Amazing 4 Minute Workout
Workout Breakdown
Set your timer for 6 rounds of 10 seconds rest and 30 seconds work
and go through the following exercises:
Push ups
Explosive Star Jumps
Crab Toe Touch
Leg Lift/Butt Lift/ Star Crunch
Plough Leg Raises
I love the plough leg raises exercise but use caution with this one. If you are apprehensive at all or feel any discomfort come back to lying and do a lighter variation of this, or other leg lift exercise, such as the one leg toe touch.
For a 8 minute workout do 12 rounds and go through the exercises twice.
For a 12 minute workout go 18 rounds and go through the exercises three times.
..and so on
I did this twice, for an 8 min workout.
Workout on Video
Exercise Descriptions
Get into high plank position with hands on floor, arms straight, and lower your upper torso down to the ground and then push yourself back up to start position.
From standing position, bend knees into squat and reach down touching fingers to sides of feet. Then with an explosive jump, come up into a jumping jack, jumping legs out wide while and bringing arms out at sides and above head, then jump feet back in close together, coming down into squat and touching sides of feet again. This is one rep. Continue repeating movements doing as many reps as indicted or as many reps as you can for time.
Start in crab position, with hands and feet on floor, knees bent and facing up. Lift one hand and opposite side leg up high and touch fingers to toe, bring back to start position and repeat on other side, lifting and touching opposite hand and toe together, Continue alternating sides for each rep.
Leg Lift/Butt Lift/ Star Crunch
Lie on back flat on mat, bring both legs up together to 90 degree angle and lift butt off ground, then open legs wide and crunching torso, reach hands close together through open legs as far as possible, bring body back to lying position and repeat.
Starting in high plank position, bring one knee out to side and up towards same side elbow and return, repeat with other knee and continue alternating sides for each knee tuck.
Lay on your mat and bring your legs up and knees into chest, raising your back and hips up, straighten your legs as your back comes up and lower legs slowly behind the head, bringing them down just as much as is comfortable. Let feet touch the ground behind you if you are able or just bring them back as far as you comfortably can and then lift your legs and lower them, feeling a stretch in legs, especially the hamstrings and back. Take this exercise slowly and listen to your body. Stop and slowly come back to lying if you feel any discomfort.
Have a great workout!
Tags: bodyweight, under 10 min, workouts