Almond Cheese Recipe

This almond cheese recipe had a wonderful flavor: sweet and salty and lightly spicy. It can be made with less of the spices, garlic and ginger if you prefer a more sublte cheese or without any seasonings for a very mild taste. It is easy to make and fermented overnight with miso to create the good bacteria, that is so beneficial for the body. This is a spreadable vegan cheese delicious on crackers or my favorite way – spread on a pizza crust and topped!
Garlic Ginger Almond Cheese Recipe
2 cups Almonds
2 Tbsp Miso
2 cups Water
3 Tbsp Olive Oil
2 Garlic cloves – minced
1″ Ginger – minced or grated
1 tsp Salt
½ tsp Onion powder
¼ tsp Chili powder
¼ tsp Cayenne
Process almonds in a food processor or blender until coarsely chopped. Add miso and 2 cups of water to the blender and continue processing until well mixed and a coarse-fine texture. Transfer to a sterilized glass bottle or bowl and cover mixture with a mesh screen or cheesecloth and elastic, so mixture can breathe. Set cheese in a warm place and allow to ferment for 10-12 hours. At this time it will likely have separated and may have little bubbles in it. If not, it may not have been warm enough but it will still taste great. Continue and strain the whey, the liquid part, from the cheese in a mesh nut bag or in cheesecloth. Let drain and gently squeeze out the liquid then transfer to the food processor.
Combine the almond cheese with oil and spices in a food processor and process until well combined. Add water, if necessary, for mixture to be wet enough to fold over while processing. Almond cheeze will keep well in refrigerator for up to 2 weeks.
Almond Cheese Video Demo
The following pics show my favorite ways to eat Almond cheese. It’s hidden in there but trust me, it’s there making these taste delicious!
Almond cheese with toppings on a corn chip – also great on crackers!
Almond cheese is delicious as a base spread on pizza!
and Almond Cheese is delicious inside of Collard Wraps!