All Planked Up Tight Core Workout 15 min

This core workout is an HIIT workout, high intensoty interval training done in 2 parts with all bodyweight exercises. The first part is longer and combines core strengthening exercises. It has burpees and a side plank dip and crunch exercise that is great for forming awesome looking obliques as well as great for balance and tightening the abs and core muscles. The shorter second part is made up of all ab exercises. This workout strengthens the core and really works, tightens and shapes the ab muscles.
All Planked Up Tight Core Workout
Workout Breakdown
This workout has 2 parts.
Part 1 – 9 minutes of intervals
Set your timer for 12 rounds of 10 seconds rest and 35 seconds work and go through the following 4 exercises three times:
3 Point Plank Jump Burpees
Side Plank Dip with Knee to Elbow Tuck – left
Side Plank Dip with Knee to Elbow Tuck – right
3 x 3 Pulse Squat to Push Up
Part 2 – 6 minutes of intervals
Set your timer for 8 rounds of 10 seconds rest and 35 seconds work and go through the following 4 exercises twice:
Plank Hip Dips
Oblique Core Heel Scrapers
Plank Macarena
Knee Dip Plank
Tight Core Workout on Video
My Reps
Part 1
3 Point Plank Jump Burpees – 6, 5, 5
Side Plank Dip with Knee to Elbow Tuck – left – 12, 10, 11
Side Plank Dip with Knee to Elbow Tuck – right – 12, 11, 10
3 x 3 Pulse Squat to Push Up – 2.5, 3, 2.5
Part 2
Plank Hip Dips – 19, 23
Oblique Core Heel Scrapers – 10, 11
Plank Macarena – 7, 8
Knee Dip Plank – 30, 31
Exercise Descriptions
Standing with feet hip width apart, squat down and place hands on ground in front of you, jump legs back into plank position, Then jump both legs together at once up towards chest, bending knees and then out to one side, then back into chest and then back out to the opposite side, then back in again to chest and finally jump legs together back out into plank. Then do a push up, jump legs back in and jump up in the air.
Side Plank Dip with Knee to Elbow Tuck
Get into side plank position with foot of top leg just in front of foot of bottom leg, bend elbow of top arm and place hand behind head, drop hip down so that it touches the ground and bring back up so body is in a straight line again and then bring top elbow down as you bring the knee of the bottom leg up to meet elbow in a crunch. Then bring elbow back and leg back down returning to start position. Each dip and elbow to knee tuck is one rep.
Start with legs in a wide stance and with feet pointing out, squat down so legs are parallel with ground, squeeze the glutes and pulse 3 times, just raising and lowering a little for each pulse. Then come up and repeat doing these 3 pulse squats 3 times. Next place hands on the ground in front of you, jump legs back to plank position and do a push up. Jump legs in and come up to standing. This is one rep.
Hold plank position on forearms and while holding this position swivel torso to one side bringing hip down toward floor, then go back to plank and next swivel torso in the opposite direction bringing your other hip down to the other side and continue doing hip dips alternating sides in this manner while holding plank.
Lie flat on ground with legs lifted off of floor, knees bent and legs in close to body with your arms lying straight at your side. Bring down legs so that feet are just a few inches off floor and turning legs at an angle toward one side, push legs out straight as if sliding the side of heels on ground but actually keeping them up a few inches off the ground throughout the movement. Hold arms up just off ground so that core and abs do most of the work or if you need to support yourself, support yourself with your arms and hands. When legs are outstretched, reverse movements and bring them back in close to body as in your starting position. This is one rep. For the next rep turn legs to the opposite direction and bring out legs with the other side of the heels toward, but just above the ground and alternate sides for each rep.
Get into high plank (push up) position and lift one hand up and touch it’s opposite side shoulder, return to ground and lift the other hand and touch it’s opposite shoulder. Then lift the opposite side hand and touch hip, return to ground and do the same on the other side, lifting the other hand to touch it’s opposite side hip. Continue these movements touching each shoulder first with the opposite side hand, and then hips. Each 4 touches (both shoulders and both hips) is one rep.
Hold plank position on forearms and while holding this position bring one knee down towards ground and bring back up, then bring the other knee down towards ground and bring back up. Continue holding plank and alternating doing knee dips with each leg.