All Hail Kale! Deep Green Power Juice – Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween! What a way to cheer on Halloween and end this juice challenge than with a deep deep green power juice! This intense green juice is made of lots of nutrition packed deep green goodness: kale, chard, broccoli and spinach are balanced with celery and sweetened with an apple. Hard core intense nutrition for a hard core fun filled day!
I’m excited right now because as well as juicing, I am also in the kitchen concocting up a superfood filled chocolate bark. Also, intensely nutritious and dangerously delicious. But not dangerous at all really, as it is pure raw chocolate just sweetened with a little maple syrup. I love creating recipes and especially intensely nutritious delicious foods. This one is going to be great and the recipe will be in my newsletter this Sunday.
If you haven’t signed up yet and would like to get some of my favorite and easiest to make recipes, you can here get it here.
Fun day! Now, let’s juice!
All Hail Kale Deep Green Power Juice
2 Red Chard leaves
3 Kale stalks
2 Celery stalks
1 cup Spinach
1 cup Broccoli
1 Apple or Pear
Juicing photos
Get all this beautiful green-ness together and prepped.
Juice it all up!
Drink and enjoy!!
May you feel wildly alive, rejuvenated and energized!
Have a fun, healthy and happy halloween!