All Fun and Squats Workout 18 min

The All Fun and Squats Workout really is a fun workout and combines amrap (as may rounds as possible) exercise combos with HIIT interval training. All bodyweight exercises in the workout, lots of squats, mountain climbers, plank jumps, burpees and crunch variations come together into a fun and fast paced leg and abs workout that makes time go by quick.
All you need for this one is an interval timer. If you don’t have a Gymboss already, you can check out the online timers I have picked out here or go order yourself one here. They are great. I got mine for under $24 with shipping and they last forever. I use them in almost every workout and if you have one you will be more inclined to use it!
So, grab your timer and let’s go workout!
All Fun and Squats Workout
Workout Breakdown
This workout has 5 parts
Parts 1 and 5 – amrap in 2 minutes
Over and Under Ab Exercise combo
Parts 2 and 4 – amrap in 2 minutes
Squat and Climb Around the Mountain Exercise combo
Part 3 – HIIT intervals
Set your timer for 12 rounds of 10 seconds rest and 40 seconds work and go through the following exercises 4 times
Side Burpees
Frog Squat Booty Raises
Double Crunch to V Up
All Fun and Squats Workout on Video
My Reps
Part 1 and 5 – 8 reps each part
Parts 2 and 4 – 8 reps of mountain climbers each (2 full times around the mat)
Part 3
Side Burpees – 7, 7, 6, 7
Frog Squat Booty Raises – 13, 15, 16, 15
Double Crunch to V Up – 9, 10, 9, 8
Exercise Descriptions
Over and Under Ab Exercise combo
Do one V Abs Clap Under Crunch and then 2 One Leg Clap Under Crunches, one with right leg, one with left, then lie flat and roll over and do 3 Point Plank Jumps, jumping legs in and back out to plank, then in and back out to the left side and then back in and out to the right side, then lie down and roll over again to start position. This is one rep. Continue doing as many reps as you can for time.
V Abs Clap Under – Sitting on mat with legs flat, torso leaning back and arms out at sides, lift legs together up, keeping them straight and when they get quite high bring arms forward together and clap hands under legs, then return legs and arms back to start position and continue in this manner. Each clap is one rep.
One Leg Clap Under Crunches – Lie on ground and crunch up torso while raising one leg and bring arms together in front and clap underneath raised leg and then return to star position. For the next rep lift the other leg and do the same crunching up and clapping under raised leg. Continue in this manner alternating legs being lifted for each rep.
Squat and Climb Around the Mountain Exercise comb
Start standing at one end of and facing the side of your mat. Get down and do 10 mountain climbers, then get up and do 2 side walking squats, taking a step to the side and squat, come up and take another step to the side in the same direction and squat, then get down and do 10 more mountain climbers. After these, do one squat and jump 180 degrees over your mat so you are facing it on the other side at the end and start again doing mountain climbers then side walking squats, then mountain climbers and squat then a 180 degree jump squat. Each set of mountain climbers is considered one rep. Continue squatting and doing mountain climbers going around your mat doing as many reps as possible for time.
Squat down and put hands together on ground in diamond position a little off to one side, then jump both legs out sideways in the other direction, push up then jump legs in and jump up, alternate sides for each rep.
From standing with legs wider than shoulder width and feet pointing out 45 degrees, bend over at waist and place hands between the front (toe) part of feet, squat down so hips and butt are as low as you can go close to ground. This is your start position. Now keeping hands on the floor at all times, straighten your legs bringing your butt up and when you get legs as straight and butt as high as possible, fingertips always touching ground, then lower back down to start position. This is one rep, continue bringing butt up and down, straightening and bending legs into deep squat.
Start laying on mat and do a double crunch by bringing both knees in towards chest and crunching up torso and reach arms along sides of body parallel to ground, then come back to start position and bring arms overhead and come up to a V Up, by raising outstretched arms and straight legs up high coming as close together as you can, and then lower back down to start position. This is one rep.