Abs O lutely Ugi Workout 10 min

This 10 minute workout is totally abs focused with 10 back to back abs exercises. 4 of the exercises are bodyweight but 6 of them are done with my Ugi. I love my Ugi, but if you don’t have one you can substitute another another weighted object for it. I did this yesterday and am feeling it today and I keep getting urges to get up and do it again! So, I say success!!
Check out my Resource page for links of where to get an Ugi, interval timer, and all home gym equipment.
Abs O lutely Ugi Workout
Workout Breakdown
This workout is 10 minutes of interval training.
Set your timer for 10 rounds of 2 intervals: 10 seconds rest and 50 seconds work.
Press start and then go through the following exercises, doing as many reps as possible during each work period:
- Overhead Ugi Sit Ups
- Knee to Elbow Crunch
- 3 Point Ugi Ab Choppers
- Push Through Crunches
- One Leg Toe Touch with Ugi
- Ugi Russian Twist
- Double Crunches
- One Leg Ugi Suitcase Crunch
- Knee Hugs
- 90 Degree Crunch with Ugi
Workout on Video
Exercise Descriptions
Lying on ground with knees bent hold Ugi on ground with arms outstretched behind head, sit up and bring Ugi up lifting it towards ceiling, reverse movement bringing Ugi back. This is one rep.
Lay back on mat with knees bent and hands behind head, bring torso up towards knees and twist body to one side bringing one elbow to opposite knee, release and go back to start position, then repeat movements on other side bringing the opposite elbow to its opposite side knee. Continue alternating sides for each rep.
Lying on ground with knees bent hold Ugi on ground with arms outstretched behind head, sit up and bring Ugi up high overhead and down to the right side to ground, then reverse movement bringing Ugi back overhead. On the next rep bring Ugi between legs towards ground and for the third rep bring Ugi to the opposite side as the first rep, continue alternating bringing Ugi down to these 3 points.
Lying on mat bend knees and legs up, feet on ground, bring hands close together in front of you and crunch up pushing hands through space between legs, continue pulsing and crunching abs, pushing hands together between through legs.
Lay on ground with legs straight and flat on ground and arms also held out straight behind head holding onto Ugi. Lift one leg and at the same time lift Ugi up and touch Ugi to toe, and then return both back to start position. Repeat lifting up the opposite leg, touch toe to Ugi and return to ground. Continue alternating lifting right and left legs for each rep.
Start in seated position with knees slightly bent and feet off floor, hold Ugi at right hip, twist body and bring Ugi to left hip, and continue alternating sides for each rep keeping legs elevated a few inches off ground through movements.
Laying on ground, bring both knees and chest up to center then release and extend body, with torso and legs both extended but still off ground, arms are held outstretched along sides of body parallel to ground and stay in this position throughout movement. Repeat bringing both knees and upper body in and extending both back out.
Lie flat on mat or ground with legs straight on floor and arms behind head holding onto Ugi, bring one knee in to chest while raising torso, crunching abs and bringing Ugi over knee towards feet, then reverse movements bringing leg back to ground and Ugi back overhead. Continue these movements alternating legs for each rep.
Sit on mat and lean back, stretch arms out to side and lift legs up from mat, still kept low and stretched out, then bring in legs bending knees and at the same time bring arms around and hug around legs, just barely touching them and then lean back out of it bringing arms back out to sides and legs straight and kept raised above mat. Each knee hug is one rep. Try to keep legs up off the floor as much as possible throughout movements.
Lay straight on a mat or the ground and lift legs up at a 90 degree angle bending knees so that they also form a 90 degree angle (if you were turned upright you would look like you are sitting in a chair), set Ugi on your shins and then crunch your body up and as you come up reach out your hands and touch the sides of Ugi and then release and come back down. Continue these movements doing as many reps as possible in time period.