A Lunge in Time Leg Workout 12 min

This leg workout is a great leg shaping workout that you are guaranteed to feel the next day, and most likely the one after. Muscle building action in only 12 minutes! This all bodyweight HIIT workout is made up of intervals and has some classic and very effective leg and butt building exercises. These exercises really work for me and I always feel my upper legs and glute muscles building afterwards.
All you need for this workout is an interval timer. So get out your Gymboss, or set an online timer from here.
A Lunge in Time Leg Workout
Workout Breakdown
12 minutes of intervals
Set your timer for 16 rounds of 10 seconds rest and 35 seconds work and go through the following 8 exercises twice:
Lateral Lunge Touch Downs
Jump Lunges
3 Pulse Surfer Squat
3 Bridge Leg Lifts, alternate legs
Side Lunge Jumps
3 Pulse Jump Squat
3 Bridge Leg Lifts to V Up, alternate legs
A Lunge in Time Leg Workout on Video
My Reps
Lateral Lunge Touch Downs – 22, 21
Jump Lunges – 28, 27
3 Pulse Surfer Squat – 13, 12
3 Bridge Leg Lifts, alternate legs – 5, 5
Pendulum – 31, 30
Side Lunge Jumps – 35, 33
3 Pulse Jump Squat – 10, 11
3 Bridge Leg Lifts to V Up, alternate legs – 4, 5
Exercise Descriptions
From standing position step right foot further out to the right side and do a side lunge, the right (outer) leg is bent and your left leg stays straight, and touch down to the corner of the right side of your mat (or rope spread out), then come back to center and hop out in opposite direction to the left, do a side lunge with the left leg and reach down to touch the left side of your mat (or other end of rope). Moving quickly, return to center and to the right again into a side lunge, and continue alternating sides and touching down to the opposite corner of mat (rope) for each rep.
Start in a forward lunge position, a low wide walking stance with front leg bent and back leg straight, and simultaneously jump up switching feet so that legs are in opposite positions, the one that was behind is forward and bent, and the one that was forward is now behind. Continue jumping and alternating positions of legs and feet. Each jump is one rep.
Start standing on the ground or on your mat, just above the center of it with your legs staggered, one leg up higher than the other and in a wide leg stance turned a little to the side, squat down and pulse 3 times and then jump switching legs so that the behind one is forward and the forward foot back and pulse again, then jump back to start position and continue doing these movements alternating jumping and squatting, alternating facing to the right and left sides for each rep.
Lie on mat with knees bent and then raise hips up into a bridge position. Straighten one leg out so it is just a few inches from the ground and holding yourself in bridge position with the other leg, raise your leg up towards ceiling and then bring it back down. Do 3 leg lifts in this manner and then bring leg back down with knee bent and foot on the floor so both legs are in full bridge position and for the next rep straighten out the opposite leg and do 3 leg lifts with it. Continue in this manner alternating doing 3 leg lifts with each leg.
Start in pike position and lift one leg to the side as far as possible, bring that leg down while bringing the opposite leg up on the other side as far as possible, continue alternating legs. Every time a foot hits the ground counts as 1 rep
From standing position place left leg out to side keeping it straight and bend right knee going down into a side lunge, touch ground with left fingers. From this position jump and switch doing a side lunge on the other side, so that right leg is straight and knee of left leg is bent and touch ground with fingers of right hand. Continue jumping and each time doing a side lunge on the opposite side. Each lunge and touch down is one rep
Start with legs in a wide stance and with feet pointing out, squat down so legs are parallel with ground, squeeze the glutes and pulse 3 times, just raising and lowering a little for each pulse and then jump up so both feet are up a few inches from ground. Then when your feet hit the ground go right into another squat and continue with these movements for time or reps.
Lie on mat with knees bent and then raise hips up into a bridge position. Straighten one leg out so it is just a few inches from the ground and holding yourself in bridge position with the other leg, raise your leg up towards ceiling and then bring it back down. Do 3 leg lifts in this manner and then straighten both legs out on the mat and have arms outstretched at ground behind head and come up into a V up crunch. Release and come back down. This is one rep. For the next rep do 3 leg lifts with the opposite leg. Continue in this manner alternating doing 3 leg lifts with each leg.