A Favorite Raw Recipe: Nutmeat Patties


posted by on Raw Recipes

These nutmeat patties are delicious and filling too! They are versatile and I like to eat them in a number of different ways. They are great in a wrap or sandwich or great crumbled in top of zucchetti and marinara sauce. Sometimes I even make them into round balls, so they are like meatballs. I love them crumbled on top of a big salad or just eat them on the side with any meal.

Spice it Up!

You can change the flavor of the nutmeat patties by adding different herbs and spices.

For Mexican add chili powder, cumin, oregano, garlic and onion powder.
For Italian add oregano, basil, marjoram, thyme, savory, rosemary, onion and garlic powders.
For Middle Eastern add black pepper, paprika, coriander, cinnamon, cumin, clove,  cardamom, nutmeg.
For Caribbean Jerk add a Habanero pepper and some allspice, cinnamon, thyme, garlic and nutmeg.
For Creolle add paprika, thyme, oregano, onion, garlic, chili, basil
For Indian Curry add curry powder and/or coriander, cumin, turmeric, cinnamon and cayenne.

This is just a very general guideline. Spice mixes can be simple with just a few ingredients as above or complicated with many many different spices mixed together. There are so many options, Get creative with it and enjoy the process of experimenting!  

To test your spice blend, just mix a little with a small amount of nutmeat before mixing it into the whole batch. The great thing about this recipe is that you can eat it raw and it still tastes great!


Nutmeat Patties Recipe


1 cup Walnuts – soaked, rinsed and drained
1 cup Almonds – soaked, rinsed and drained
½ cup Sunflower seeds – soaked, rinsed and drained
½ cup Pumpkin seeds – soaked, rinsed and drained
1 cup Portobello mushrooms – chopped
1 Red Pepper –chopped
1 cup Red Onion – chopped
½ cup Sun-dried Tomatoes – chopped
½ cup Cilantro or Parsley – chopped
¼ cup Olive oil
2 Tbsp Tamari or Nama shoyu
1 Tbsp Italian herbs
1 Garlic clove – chopped
1 tsp Salt


Process together nuts and seeds until coarsely chopped in food processor and then transfer to bowl. Add the rest of ingredients to processor and process well together. Form into patties ¾” thick on teflex sheets and dehydrate at 115 degrees for 4-6 hours. Flip onto mesh screen and continue dehydrating for an additional 6-8 hours until fairly dry.
Stores well in the fridge for 1-2 weeks. Makes 12 patties


How to make Nutmeat Patties on Video


Photo Description

Assemble ingredients

Nutmeat Patties raw recipe ingredients

Process almonds first until in small pieces.

Nutmeat Patties raw recipe chop almonds

Then add the rest of the ingredients.

Nutmeat Patties ra recipe add the rest of ingredients

Process until only tiny pieces are visible.

Nutmeat Patties raw recipe process until just very small pieces

Measure out patties on teflex sheet. I use a quarter cup for mine.

Nutmeat Patties raw recipe measure out patties

Flatten and shape into patties.

Nutmeat Patties raw recipe form patties

Dehydrate as in directions above.

Nutmeat Patties raw recipe on plate


Enjoy! To your optimal health!


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