A Dip in Quicksand Sandbag Workout est 21 min

Get your sandbag and dip stations out and ready for this 3 part workout. In this one the 1st and 3rd parts are the same and are 8 minutes of intervals. the 2nd part is a time challenge which took me 5 minutes and 6 seconds to complete. This is a full body workout with lots of core work.
Always modify the workout to make the workout work for you. Use another weight or just body weight for the sandbag exercises if you don’t have a sandbag. The knee raises on the dip station really work the abs, so do another ab or core exercise instead if you don’t have the dip station, and do rows for reverse push ups.
In the 2nd part there is skipping, if you don’t have a rope or can’t skip for any reason, modify by doing 100 high knees, or another cardio exercise, such as jumping jacks or mountain climbers.
A Dip In Quicksand Sandbag Workout
Workout Breakdown
This workout has 3 parts
Parts 1 – 8 min intervals – Set your timer for 8 rounds of 10 seconds rest and 50 seconds work and go through the following exercises, doing as many reps as you can during each work interval:
Sandbag Swing
Oblique Knee Raises on Dip Station
Clean and Press Burpees
Kick over Back Lunge on Dip Station
Around the World Squats
Reverse Push Ups
Sandbag Sit ups
Knee Raises
Part 2
Do these 2 exercises 3 times through for time:
10 Push ups with Knee Tucks
100 High Knee Skips
Part 3 – Do Part 1 again
To get your sandbag click here or check on my Resource page for a list of my favorite equipment and items.
Workout on Video
Exercise Descriptions
Standing with legs shoulder width apart, hold onto middle handle of sandbag with both hands. Hold it low, at or just between legs, and swing up so that arms are parallel to ground at shoulder height. Squeeze glutes and push with hips as you swing the bag forward and up, let your hips do most of the work. Then let the bag come back down to just between legs and repeat. Each swing up is one rep.
Oblique Knee Raises on Dip Station
Stand in middle of dip station and grasp handles, then straighten arms lifting yourself up off the floor, bend legs at an angle and bring up knees towards your chest using your oblique (side ab) muscles, then lower legs back down to standing.
With hands on sandbag jump or step back into push up position and do a pushup, then jump or step feet back in and do a clean and press with sandbag: pick up sandbag by its 2 horizontal side handles, bring it up to hip level straightening your body and flipping it so it’s up on top of your hands over knuckles and press it up towards ceiling, and then reverse movements bringing it back down to ground. This is one rep.
Stand a few feet back from dip station and then kick and swing right leg clockwise over dip station bringing leg back into a reverse lunge, so the front knee is bent and thigh is parallel to the ground. Then come back up to start position and repeat on the left leg, doing a counter clockwise circle kick and bringing leg back into a reverse lunge and then back up. Continue kicking over dip station and doing reverse lunges alternating legs each time.
Start with legs shoulder width apart and sandbag held behind at upper back. Squat and then swing one arm overhead bringing sandbag around to front and then the other arm over to bring it back into starting position, so that the sandbag has just gone 360 degrees around your head. This is one rep. Change directions for each rep, going back and forth from clockwise to counter clockwise.
Sitting on ground just in front of dip station, reach up and grab handles, bend legs or stretch out legs in front of you. The further legs are out, the harder pulling yourself is so bend your legs to make it easier to pull yourself up and straighten legs out for more of a challenge. Then pull yourself up using your lats (back muscles just below shoulders) and lower yourself back down. Continue pulling yourself up and lowering for as many reps as you can in time or for number of reps indicated.
Lie back with knees bent, feet on floor, holding sandbag overhead, sit up while raising sandbag up as high as you can, then lie back bringing sandbag back overhead. This is one rep.
Stand in middle of dip station and grasp handles, then straighten arms lifting yourself up off the floor, then bend legs bringing knees up towards chest as high as you can, then lower legs down to standing. This is one rep.
Get into push up position and do a push up, then do 2 knee tucks, one with each leg. First bring the knee of one leg in to chest and back and then bring knee of other leg in towards chest and back. Continue doing push ups with 2 knee tucks, left and right, after each one.
Regular skipping is like jogging in place while jumping rope, jump once each rope turn with alternating legs.