Hot Ninja Reptile Sexy Arms Workout est 14 min


posted by on Daily Workouts - 10-15 minutes

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This arms workout uses creative variations of push up exercises along with burpees and other jumping exercises to distract the mind, make the workout fun and get as many push ups out of you as possible. Different strategies are used to do the push ups exercises in different ways and work the major push up muscles: the pecs, the triceps and deltoids, and other upper body muscles: lats, biceps, as well as the inner stabilizing assisting muscles.  

Doing different variations of the main bodyweight muscle building exercises uses different muscles and builds stronger core body strength. This building of core strength is beneficial in your day to day movements, keeping you stronger for not only day to day activities of carrying, lifting and moving but prevents injury or sprains from falls and accidents as well. Think of it like insurance, and of course it will make you happy when you look in the mirror too.


Hot Ninja Reptile Sexy Arms Workout

Workout Breakdown

5 parts

Parts 1, 3 and 5

10 Ninja Kick and Side Jump Reptile Burpees

Part 2 – 4 minutes of intervals

Set your timer for 6 rounds of 10 secs rest and 30 secs work and go through the following exercises twice:

Side Jump Push Ups
Commando Burpees with Tuck Jump
3 Plank Jack Push Ups with Roll over

Part 4 – 4 minutes of intervals

Set your timer for 6 rounds of 10 secs rest and 30 secs work and go through the following exercises twice:

T Push ups with Side Elbow to Knee Tuck
Walking Push Ups with Tuck Jump
Plank Walk Out with Knee Tuck Push Ups


Sexy Arms Workout on Video


My Reps

Part 2
Side Jump Push Ups – 8, 9
Commando Burpees with Tuck Jump – 4, 4
3 Plank Jack Push Ups with Roll over – 3, 3

Part 4
T Push ups with Side Elbow to Knee Tuck – 6, 7
Walking Push Ups with Tuck Jump – 3, 3 +1 pu
Plank Walk Out with Knee Tuck Push Ups – 4, 4


Exercise Descriptions

Ninja Kick and Side Jump Reptile Burpees

Side Jump Push Ups

Commando Burpees with Tuck Jump

3 Plank Jack Push Ups with Roll over

T Push ups with Side Elbow to Knee Tuck

Walking Push Ups with Tuck Jump

Plank Walk Out with Knee Tuck Push Ups


Have a great workout!

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