Blue Solar Water

I love and drink blue solar water daily and I have been doing this for several years now. Every day here at our home we set out blue bottles filled with water and every evening when the sun has gone down we bring them in again. My mom & I both believe in, make and drink solar water regularly. It’s a routine and just a part of our life now.
Blue Solar Water
We first heard about this through the book Zero Limits by Joe Vitale when reading more about Ho’o pono pono (I will link to a post about it as soon as I write it), which is an ancient Hawaiian healing technique which I practice, especially if ever anything is not going right in my life. Fortunately it’s rare, but occasionally happens – that’s life!
Blue solar water goes along with the teachings of Ho’o pono pono and helps to clear the deep seated programs that we replay over and over. It is said to heal deep emotional wounds and blocks, to free and release these and help bring us back to zero. Being at zero is like having a clean slate without the programs running, or background thoughts, that do not serve us well.
To be honest, it is hard to feel or know if the solar water is working and I will admit that I do it a lot on faith. Sometimes you have to balance ‘what will I lose?’ with ‘what will I gain?’ and take a chance. I do know that I feel very clear and open, free of fears or anxiety and whether it is this or something else I have been doing, that I can not tell you. You will have to decide if it resonates with you enough to give it a chance. It did with me. I am drawn to it and drink it still every day.
Drinking Blue Solar Water transmutes memories replaying problems in the subconscious mind and helps the body to ‘let go & let God’” ~Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len
How to Make Blue Solar Water
Get a blue glass bottle and fill it up with water, preferably filtered water or ideally spring water, but even if you only have tap water it will still work fine. Cover or seal but not with metal, make sure it has a glass, cork, wood, plastic or other cap. Leave and inch or so of space in the winter time and be careful not to let the water in the bottle freeze; I have broken several bottles this way. Then, put the bottle in direct sunlight for one hour or more.
You can use this water for anything that you use water for but I use it mainly as my drinking water.
The water actually tastes better. It feels softer and tastes fresher and purer. My son came home one day with a couple friends and was laughing and joking about the solar water. So he and his friends decided to do an experiment and see if they thought there was any different. All 3 of them agreed that the blue solar water was much better and their laughing kind of changed to looking at me almost questioning. I think I got a ‘hey I think she’s actually onto something’ kind of look.
I really believe in it & would like to suggest that you give it a try and see how you feel about it too. It costs nothing and is easy to do. All you need is a blue bottle. I found a couple at the Bay before, and you may have to keep your eyes out for one, or you can order them online. I get my blue glass bottles from Fred Black. Here is his website, he is wonderful to deal with!
from Fred’s website:
Why Do It?
- Blue Solar Water fills you with love.
- Blue Solar Water removes recurring “memories” or programs that run in your subconscious, freeing you from their effects. These are like automatic programming that your subconscious runs on – limiting you and causing you to repeat the same problems over and over.
- It will remove recurring blocks or problems that you’re not even aware of because it works at the subconscious level.
- In the book Zero Limits, Dr. Hew Len, says that the body loves lots of water (and usually does not get enough). Blue water will love the body as much as the body loves blue water.
- House Plants Love it! My mother swears that blue water makes her house plants grow better!
- Cancer: It’s important to drink a lot of water when taking chemo or other cancer treatments. In addition to the benefits of the blue water, having big bottles to work through helps to make sure you drink enough.
- Give it to your children: my 6 year old loves to have “blue water” at bed time.
Note: My friends love it too. They look forward to it when they come over. It’s special to be able to offer blue solar water to guests! People really do appreciate it. I think on a very deep level they feel it.
These are the glass bottles I use.
Water and Vibrations
Water changes and attunes to different energies and vibrational frequencies. Color works on a vibrational level also. Sun-charged water is an old science that has been rediscovered along with color therapy and color healing.
Interesting to note is that the Egyptians only stored their precious oils and liquids in purple glass. Different colors work on different frequencies and levels of our etheric beings.
Blue Energy
Blue has a very emotional and spiritual aspect to it. Blue is calming and soothing, releases and decreases stress, anxiety and tension. It is perfect for meditation, relaxation and even sleep. It heals on a deep emotional level and helps to release old stored emotional memories and deep rooted fears. Blue helps lower blood pressure and helps to bring out one’s creative side as it brings you a state of balance and peace.
This is an exerpt from “The Zero Limits Seminar” by Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len
But now, what THIS will do for you, because most of us run around dehydrated, it will do like this: If you have any respiratory problem, if you drink at least a gallon of this, it’ll knock it out; if you have any back problems, if you have any joint problems, if you have any muscle problems, it’ll knock it out…just memories. But, now you are hydrating yourself. Now, remember now, it’s going into The Subconscious before its goes into the cell. It’s changing you at The Subconscious level. So, if you drink this stuff, a Lot of your so called health problems will go…guaranteed.” ~ Dr, Hew Len